Mahmood Mahmoodian
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Cited by
Risk ranking of tunnel construction projects by using the ELECTRE technique under a fuzzy environment
A Yazdani-Chamzini, SH Yakhchali, M Mahmoodian
International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management 8 (1 …, 2013
A hybrid surrogate modelling strategy for simplification of detailed urban drainage simulators
M Mahmoodian, JP Carbajal, V Bellos, U Leopold, G Schutz, F Clemens
Water Resources Management 32, 5241-5256, 2018
Pollution-based model predictive control of combined sewer networks, considering uncertainty propagation
M Mahmoodian, O Delmont, G Schutz
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 12 (1), 98-111, 2017
A Data-Driven Surrogate Modelling Approach for Acceleration of Short-Term Simulations of a Dynamic Urban Drainage Simulator
FHLRC Mahmood Mahmoodian, Jairo Arturo Torres-Matallana, Ulrich Leopold ...
Water 10 (1849),, 2018
Using a gaussian process emulator for data-driven surrogate modelling of a complex urban drainage simulator
M Mahmoodian, U Leopold, JA Torres-Matallana, G Schutz, F Clemens, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, H51P-02, 2017
Surrogate modelling for simplification of a complex urban drainage model
M Mahmoodian, JP Carbajal, V Bellos, U Leopold, G Schutz, F Clemens
European Water 57, 293-297, 2017
Potential Use of Deep Learning Techniques in Data-driven Surrogate Modelling of Urban Drainage Simulators.
M Mahmoodian, U Leopold, S Bhattacharya
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
Emulation of a Detailed Urban Drainage Simulator to Be Applied for Short-Term Predictions
M Mahmoodian, JA Torres-Matallana, U Leopold, G Schutz, F Clemens
International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling, 592-596, 2018
Pollution-based Model Predictive Control of Combined Sewer Networks, Considering Uncertainty Propagation Pollution-based Model Predictive Control of Combined Sewer Networks …
M Mahmoodian, O Delmont, G Schutz
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Articles 1–9