Florence Bernard
Florence Bernard
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
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Cited by
Global estimates of the value of ecosystems and their services in monetary units
R De Groot, L Brander, S Van Der Ploeg, R Costanza, F Bernard, L Braat, ...
Ecosystem services 1 (1), 50-61, 2012
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity: ecological and economic foundations
F Bernard, contributing author
Earthscan/James & James, 2010
Global estimates of the value of ecosystems and their services in monetary units. Ecosyst. Serv. 1, 50–61
R De Groot, L Brander, S Van Der Ploeg, R Costanza, F Bernard, L Braat, ...
Deforestation and forest degradation as an environmental behavior: unpacking realities shaping community actions
LA Duguma, J Atela, PA Minang, AN Ayana, B Gizachew, JM Nzyoka, ...
Land 8 (2), 26, 2019
REDD+ Readiness progress across countries: time for reconsideration
PA Minang, M Van Noordwijk, LA Duguma, D Alemagi, TH Do, F Bernard, ...
Climate policy 14 (6), 685-708, 2014
Prospects for agroforestry in REDD+ landscapes in Africa
PA Minang, LA Duguma, F Bernard, O Mertz, M van Noordwijk
Current opinion in environmental sustainability 6, 78-82, 2014
Valuation of tropical forest services and mechanisms to finance their conservation and sustainable use: A case study of Tapantí National Park, Costa Rica
F Bernard, RS De Groot, JJ Campos
Forest Policy and Economics 11 (3), 174-183, 2009
Co-investment paradigms as alternatives to payments for tree-based ecosystem services in Africa
S Namirembe, B Leimona, M van Noordwijk, F Bernard, KE Bacwayo
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 6, 89-97, 2014
Global estimates of the value of ecosystems and their services in monetary units. Ecosyst Serv 1 (1): 50–61
R de Groot, L Brander, S van der Ploeg, R Costanza, F Bernard, L Braat, ...
Social actors and unsustainability of agriculture
F Bernard, M van Noordwijk, E Luedeling, GB Villamor, GW Sileshi, ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 6, 155-161, 2014
& Van Beukering, P.(2012). Global estimates of the value of ecosystems and their services in monetary units
R De Groot, L Brander, S Van Der Ploeg, R Costanza, F Bernard, L Braat
Ecosystem services 1 (1), 50-61, 0
REDD+ projects and national-level Readiness processes: a case study from Kenya
F Bernard, PA Minang, B Adkins, JT Freund
Climate Policy 14 (6), 788-800, 2014
Evolution of community forestry in Cameroon
PA Minang, LA Duguma, F Bernard, D Foundjem-Tita, Z Tchoundjeu
Ecology and Society 24 (1), 2019
Towards a Landscape approach for reducing emissions: A substantive report of the Reducing Emissions from All Land uses (REALU) Project
PA Minang, M Van Noordwijk, OE Freeman, LA Duguma
ASB Partnership for the Tropical Forest Margins, 2013
Agroforestry in REDD+: Opportunities and Challenges
PA Minang, F Bernard, V Noordwijk M, E Kahurani
ASB Policy Brief No. 26, 2011
Community forestry and REDD+ in Cameroon
F Bernard, PA Minang
Ecology and Society 24 (1), 2019
How agroforestry propels achievement of nationally determined contributions
LA Duguma, J Nzyoka, PA Minang, F Bernard
ICRAF Policy Brief 34, 8, 2017
The private sector in the REDD+ supply chain: trends, challenges and opportunities
F Bernard, S McFatridge, PA Minang
ASB Partnership for the Tropical Forest Margins and International Institute …, 2012
The role of ecological restoration and rehabilitation in production landscapes: an enhanced approach to sustainable development
ND Crossman, F Bernard, B Egoh, FK Kalaba, N Lee, S Moolenaar
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, 2017
Making trees count: Measurement, reporting and verification of agroforestry under the UNFCCC
TS Rosenstock, A Wilkes, C Jallo, N Namoi, M Bulusu, M Suber, ...
CCAFS Working Paper, 2018
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Articles 1–20