Xin Fan
Cited by
Cited by
A visual attention model for adapting images on small displays
LQ Chen, X Xie, X Fan, WY Ma, HJ Zhang, HQ Zhou
Multimedia systems 9, 353-364, 2003
Looking into video frames on small displays
X Fan, X Xie, HQ Zhou, WY Ma
Proceedings of the eleventh ACM international conference on Multimedia, 247-250, 2003
Generating search results based on duplicate image detection
X Xie, WY Ma, X Fan, Y Zhou
US Patent 7,860,317, 2010
Visual attention based image browsing on mobile devices
X Fan, X Xie, WY Ma, HJ Zhang, HQ Zhou
2003 International Conference on Multimedia and Expo. ICME'03. Proceedings …, 2003
Generating search requests from multimodal queries
MJ Li, WY Ma, X Xie, X Fan, Z Li
US Patent 7,457,825, 2008
Systems and methods for enhanced image adaptation
X Xie, WY Ma, HJ Zhang, L Chen, X Fan
US Patent 7,260,261, 2007
Photo-to-search: using multimodal queries to search the web from mobile devices
X Fan, X Xie, Z Li, M Li, WY Ma
Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGMM international workshop on Multimedia …, 2005
Photo-to-Search: Using camera phones to inquire of the surrounding world
M Jia, X Fan, X Xie, M Li, WY Ma
7th International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM'06), 46-46, 2006
An attention based spatial adaptation scheme for H. 264 videos on mobiles
Y Wang, X Fan, H Li, Z Liu, M Li
Multi-Media Modelling Conference Proceedings, 2006 12th International, 7 pp., 2006
An attention based spatial adaptation scheme for h.264 videos on mobiles
Y Wang, H Li, X Fan, CW Chen
International Journal on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 20 …, 2006
Generating search requests from multimodal queries
MJ Li, WY Ma, X Xie, X Fan, Z Li
US Patent 8,081,824, 2011
Generating search requests from multimodal queries
MJ Li, WY Ma, X Xie, X Fan, Z Li
US Patent App. 13/332,248, 2012
Inquiring of the Sights from the Web via Camera Mobiles
Y Zhou, X Fan, X Xie, Y Gong, WY Ma
2006 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 661-664, 2006
Automatic image captioning from the web for GPS photographs
X Fan, A Aker, M Tomko, P Smart, M Sanderson, R Gaizauskas
Proceedings of the international conference on Multimedia information …, 2010
Automatically generating keywords for georeferenced images
RS Purves, A Edwardes, X Fan, M Hall, M Tomko, M Haklay, J Morley, ...
University College London, 2010
Detecting the sufficient display resolution for image browsing
X Fan, X Xie, WY Ma
7th International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM'06), 22-22, 2006
Optimizing User Exploring Experience in Emerging E-Commerce Products
X Geng, X Fan, J Bian, X Li, Z Zheng
Proceedings of the 21st international conference companion on World Wide Web …, 2012
Investigating summarization techniques for geo-tagged image indexing
A Aker, X Fan, M Sanderson, R Gaizauskas
34th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2012, 472-475, 2012
Adapting images on proxies for small form factor devices
X Xie, X Fan, WY Ma, HQ Zhou
Fourth International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal …, 2003
Multimodal Search on Mobile Devices: Exploring Innovative Query Modalities for Mobile Search
X Fan, M Sanderson, X Xie
Multimodality in Mobile Computing and Mobile Devices: Methods for Adaptable …, 2010
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Articles 1–20