Avery Ching
Avery Ching
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Cited by
One trillion edges: Graph processing at facebook-scale
A Ching, S Edunov, M Kabiljo, D Logothetis, S Muthukrishnan
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 8 (12), 1804-1815, 2015
Giraph: Large-scale graph processing infrastructure on hadoop
C Avery
Proceedings of the Hadoop Summit. Santa Clara 11 (3), 5-9, 2011
State machine replication in the libra blockchain
M Baudet, A Ching, A Chursin, G Danezis, F Garillot, Z Li, D Malkhi, ...
The Libra Assn., Tech. Rep 7, 2019
Noncontiguous i/o through pvfs
A Ching, A Choudhary, W Liao, R Ross, W Gropp
Proceedings. IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, 405-414, 2002
Noncontiguous i/o accesses through mpi-io
A Ching, A Choudhary, K Coloma, W Liao, R Ross, W Gropp
CCGrid 2003. 3rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and …, 2003
Efficient structured data access in parallel file systems
W Liao
2003 Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, 326-335, 2003
Riffle: Optimized shuffle service for large-scale data analytics
H Zhang, B Cho, E Seyfe, A Ching, MJ Freedman
Proceedings of the Thirteenth EuroSys Conference, 1-15, 2018
An implementation and evaluation of client-side file caching for MPI-IO
W Liao, A Ching, K Coloma, A Choudhary, L Ward
2007 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 1-10, 2007
The libra blockchain
Z Amsden, R Arora, S Bano, M Baudet, S Blackshear, A Bothra, ...
URl: https://developers. libra. org/docs/assets/papers/the-libra-blockchain. pdf, 2019
Evaluating I/O characteristics and methods for storing structured scientific data
A Ching, A Choudhary, W Liao, L Ward, N Pundit
Proceedings 20th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing …, 2006
Scaling apache giraph to a trillion edges
A Ching
Facebook engineering blog 25, 2013
A new flexible MPI collective I/O implementation
K Coloma, A Ching, A Choudhary, W Liao, R Ross, R Thakur, L Ward
2006 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, 1-10, 2006
Using mpi file caching to improve parallel write performance for large-scale scientific applications
W Liao, A Ching, K Coloma, A Nisar, A Choudhary, J Chen, R Sankaran, ...
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, 1-11, 2007
Twins: Bft systems made robust
S Bano, A Sonnino, A Chursin, D Perelman, Z Li, A Ching, D Malkhi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.10617, 2020
Green supercomputing in a desktop box
W Feng, A Ching, CH Hsu
2007 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 1-8, 2007
Striping of directed graphs and nodes with improved functionality
D Chakrabarti, J Chang, ALK Ching, M Kabiljo
US Patent 9,805,140, 2017
Darwini: Generating realistic large-scale social graphs
S Edunov, D Logothetis, C Wang, A Ching, M Kabiljo
arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.00664, 2016
Exploring I/O strategies for parallel sequence-search tools with S3aSim
A Ching, W Feng, H Lin, X Ma, A Choudhary
2006 15th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Distributed …, 2006
Noncontiguous locking techniques for parallel file systems
A Ching, W Liao, A Choudhary, R Ross, L Ward
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, 1-12, 2007
State machine replication in the Libra Blockchain
S Bano, M Baudet, A Ching, A Chursin, G Danezis, F Garillot, Z Li, ...
Avalaible at: https://developers. libra. org/docs/state-machine-replication …, 2020
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Articles 1–20