Gesa Praetorius
Gesa Praetorius
VTI; Linköping University
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Framing the FRAM: A literature review on the functional resonance analysis method
R Patriarca, G Di Gravio, R Woltjer, F Costantino, G Praetorius, P Ferreira, ...
Safety Science 129, 104827, 2020
Modelling Vessel Traffic Service to understand resilience in everyday operations
G Praetorius, E Hollnagel, J Dahlman
Reliability engineering & system safety 141, 10-21, 2015
Maritime traffic management: a need for central coordination?
F Van Westrenen, G Praetorius
Cognition, technology & work 16, 59-70, 2014
Vessel traffic service (VTS): A maritime information service or traffic control system?: Understanding everyday performance and resilience in a socio-technical system under change
G Praetorius
Chalmers tekniska högskola, 2014
Control and resilience within the maritime traffic management domain
G Praetorius, E Hollnagel
Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making 8 (4), 303-317, 2014
Occupational safety and health for service crew on passenger ships
C Österman, C Hult, G Praetorius
Safety science 121, 403-413, 2020
Introducing the concept of resilience into maritime safety
JU Schröder-Hinrichs, G Praetorius, A Graziano, A Kataria, M Baldauf
6th Symposium on Resilience Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, June 22-25, 2015 …, 2016
Learning from the past for pro-activity–A re-analysis of the accident of the MV Herald of Free Enterprise
G Praetorius, M Lundh, M Lützhöft
Proceedings of the fourth Resilience Engineering Symposium, 217-225, 2011
Decision support for vessel traffic service (VTS): user needs for dynamic risk management in the VTS
G Praetorius, M Lützhöft
Work 41 (Supplement 1), 4866-4872, 2012
Increased awareness for maritime human factors through e-learning in crew-centered design
G Praetorius, A Kataria, ES Petersen, JU Schröder-Hinrichs, M Baldauf, ...
Procedia Manufacturing 3, 2824-2831, 2015
Communicating intended routes in ECDIS: Evaluating technological change
T Porathe, M Lützhöft, G Praetorius
Accident Analysis & Prevention 60, 366-370, 2013
Fram in FSA—Introducing a function-based approach to the formal safety assessment framework
G Praetorius, A Graziano, JU Schröder-Hinrichs, M Baldauf
Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation: Proceedings of the AHFE 2016 …, 2017
Situation awareness and maritime traffic: having awareness or being in control?
F van Westrenen, G Praetorius
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 15 (2), 161-180, 2014
Making the case for Crew-Centered Design (CCD) in merchant shipping
A Kataria, G Praetorius, JU Schröder-Hinrichs, M Baldauf
Learning lessons in resilient traffic management: a cross-domain study of vessel traffic service and air traffic control
G Praetorius, F van Westrenen, DL Mitchell, E Hollnagel
HFES Europe Chapter Conference Toulouse 2012, 277-287, 2012
Maritime resource management: current training approaches and potential improvements
G Praetorius, C Hult, C Österman
TransNav, International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea …, 2020
Exploring interdependencies, vulnerabilities, gaps and bridges in care transitions of patients with complex care needs using the Functional Resonance Analysis Method
AT Hedqvist, G Praetorius, M Ekstedt
BMC Health Services Research 23 (1), 851, 2023
On the future of maritime transport–discussing terminology and timeframes
C Hult, G Praetorius, C Sandberg
TransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea …, 2019
Exploring bridge-engine control room collaborative team communication
A Kataria, E Holder, G Praetorius, M Baldauf, JU Schröder-Hinrichs
A socio-technical perspective on the future Vessel Traffic Services
T Relling, G Praetorius, OS Hareide
Necesse 4 (1), 112-129, 2019
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Articles 1–20