Jongmoon Baik
Jongmoon Baik
Professor at School of Computing, KAIST
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Value-cognitive boosting with a support vector machine for cross-project defect prediction
D Ryu, O Choi, J Baik
Empirical Software Engineering 21, 43-71, 2016
A transfer cost-sensitive boosting approach for cross-project defect prediction
D Ryu, JI Jang, J Baik
Software Quality Journal 25, 235-272, 2017
Test cases generation from UML activity diagrams
H Kim, S Kang, J Baik, I Ko
Eighth ACIS international conference on software engineering, artificial …, 2007
A hybrid instance selection using nearest-neighbor for cross-project defect prediction
D Ryu, JI Jang, J Baik
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 30 (5), 969-980, 2015
Historical value-based approach for cost-cognizant test case prioritization to improve the effectiveness of regression testing
H Park, H Ryu, J Baik
2008 Second International Conference on Secure System Integration and …, 2008
Effective multi-objective naļve Bayes learning for cross-project defect prediction
D Ryu, J Baik
Applied Soft Computing 49, 1062-1077, 2016
Generating test cases for web services using extended finite state machine
CS Keum, S Kang, IY Ko, J Baik, YI Choi
Testing of Communicating Systems: 18th IFIP TC 6/WG 6.1 International …, 2006
Disaggregating and calibrating the CASE tool variable in COCOMO II
J Baik, B Boehm, BM Steece
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 28 (11), 1009-1022, 2002
An effective approach to estimating the parameters of software reliability growth models using a real-valued genetic algorithm
T Kim, K Lee, J Baik
Journal of Systems and Software 102, 134-144, 2015
Location-based web service QoS prediction via preference propagation to address cold start problem
D Ryu, K Lee, J Baik
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 14 (3), 736-746, 2018
A case study: CRM adoption success factor analysis and Six Sigma DMAIC application
Z Pan, H Ryu, J Baik
5th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering Research …, 2007
Model-based dynamic cost estimation and tracking method for agile software development
S Kang, O Choi, J Baik
2010 IEEE/ACIS 9th International Conference on Computer and Information …, 2010
A quality-based cost estimation model for the product line life cycle
HP In, J Baik, S Kim, Y Yang, B Boehm
Communications of the ACM 49 (12), 85-88, 2006
A Six Sigma framework for software process improvements and its implementation
Z Pan, H Park, J Baik, H Choi
14th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC'07), 446-453, 2007
Improving software reliability prediction through multi-criteria based dynamic model selection and combination
J Park, J Baik
Journal of Systems and Software 101, 236-244, 2015
Six sigma approach in software quality improvement
C Redzic, J Baik
Fourth International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management …, 2006
VIRE: Sailing a blue ocean with value-innovative requirements
S Kim, HP In, J Baik, R Kazman, K Han
IEEE software 25 (1), 80-87, 2008
An embedded software reliability model with consideration of hardware related software failures
J Park, HJ Kim, JH Shin, J Baik
2012 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Software Security and …, 2012
Software quality assurance in XP and spiral-A comparative study
SI Hashmi, J Baik
2007 International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications …, 2007
Improving vulnerability prediction accuracy with secure coding standard violation measures
J Yang, D Ryu, J Baik
2016 International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp), 115-122, 2016
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Articles 1–20