Laurens Cherchye
Laurens Cherchye
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An introduction to ‘benefit of the doubt’composite indicators
L Cherchye, W Moesen, N Rogge, TV Puyenbroeck
Social indicators research 82, 111-145, 2007
Creating composite indicators with DEA and robustness analysis: the case of the Technology Achievement Index
L Cherchye, W Moesen, N Rogge, T Van Puyenbroeck, M Saisana, ...
Journal of the Operational Research Society 59 (2), 239-251, 2008
Married with children: A collective labor supply model with detailed time use and intrahousehold expenditure information
L Cherchye, BD Rock, F Vermeulen
American Economic Review 102 (7), 3377-3405, 2012
Legitimately diverse, yet comparable: on synthesizing social inclusion performance in the EU
L Cherchye, W Moesen, T Van Puyenbroeck
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 42 (5), 919-955, 2004
The collective model of household consumption: a nonparametric characterization
L Cherchye, B De Rock, F Vermeulen
Econometrica 75 (2), 553-574, 2007
On research efficiency: A micro-analysis of Dutch university research in Economics and Business Management
L Cherchye, PV Abeele
Research policy 34 (4), 495-516, 2005
One market, one number? A composite indicator assessment of EU internal market dynamics
L Cherchye, CAK Lovell, W Moesen, T Van Puyenbroeck
European Economic Review 51 (3), 749-779, 2007
Using data envelopment analysis to assess macroeconomic policy performance
L Cherchye
Applied Economics 33 (3), 407-416, 2001
The revealed preference approach to collective consumption behaviour: Testing and sharing rule recovery
L Cherchye, B De Rock, F Vermeulen
The Review of Economic Studies 78 (1), 176-198, 2011
Opening the black box of intrahousehold decision making: Theory and nonparametric empirical tests of general collective consumption models
L Cherchye, B De Rock, F Vermeulen
Journal of Political Economy 117 (6), 1074-1104, 2009
Benchmarking sustainable development: a synthetic meta-index approach
L Cherchye, T Kuosmanen
WIDER Research Paper, 2004
The law of one price in data envelopment analysis: Restricting weight flexibility across firms
T Kuosmanen, L Cherchye, T Sipiläinen
European Journal of Operational Research 170 (3), 735-757, 2006
Sharing rule identification for general collective consumption models
L Cherchye, B De Rock, A Lewbel, F Vermeulen
Econometrica 83 (5), 2001-2041, 2015
Efficiency and equity in private and public education: A nonparametric comparison
L Cherchye, K De Witte, E Ooghe, I Nicaise
European Journal of Operational Research 202 (2), 563-573, 2010
Robust human development rankings
L Cherchye, E Ooghe, T Van Puyenbroeck
The Journal of Economic Inequality 6, 287-321, 2008
Data envelopment analysis and social enterprises: Analysing performance, strategic orientation and mission drift
M Staessens, PJ Kerstens, J Bruneel, L Cherchye
Journal of Business Ethics 159, 325-341, 2019
What is the economic meaning of FDH? A reply to Thrall
L Cherchye, T Kuosmanen, T Post
Journal of productivity analysis, 263-267, 2000
Household consumption when the marriage is stable
L Cherchye, T Demuynck, B De Rock, F Vermeulen
American Economic Review 107 (6), 1507-1534, 2017
Opening the “black box” of efficiency measurement: Input allocation in multioutput settings
L Cherchye, BD Rock, B Dierynck, F Roodhooft, J Sabbe
Operations Research 61 (5), 1148-1165, 2013
Economic well-being and poverty among the elderly: An analysis based on a collective consumption model
L Cherchye, B De Rock, F Vermeulen
European Economic Review 56 (6), 985-1000, 2012
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Articles 1–20