Fevzi Belli
Fevzi Belli
Emer. Professor der Informationsverarbeitung, Universität Paderborn
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Finite state testing and analysis of graphical user interfaces
F Belli
Proceedings 12th international symposium on software reliability engineering …, 2001
Event‐based modelling, analysis and testing of user interactions: approach and case study
F Belli, CJ Budnik, L White
Software Testing, Verification and Reliability 16 (1), 3-32, 2006
Model-based mutation testing—approach and case studies
F Belli, CJ Budnik, A Hollmann, T Tuglular, WE Wong
Science of Computer Programming 120, 25-48, 2016
Fault-tolerant programs and their reliability
F Belli, P Jedrzejowicz
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 39 (2), 184-192, 1990
An approach to the reliability optimization of software with redundancy
F Belli, P Jedrzejowicz
IEEE transactions on Software Engineering 17 (3), 310-312, 1991
Specification of fault-tolerant system issues by predicate/transition nets and regular expressions-approach and case study
F Belli, KE Grosspietsch
IEEE Transactions on software engineering 17 (6), 513-526, 1991
Basic operations for generating behavioral mutants
F Belli, CJ Budnik, WE Wong
Second Workshop on Mutation Analysis (Mutation 2006-ISSRE Workshops 2006), 9-9, 2006
Test minimization for human-computer interaction
F Belli, CJ Budnik
Applied Intelligence 26, 161-174, 2007
Minimal spanning set for coverage testing of interactive systems
F Belli, CJ Budnik
International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing, 220-234, 2004
A holistic approach to model‐based testing of Web service compositions
F Belli, AT Endo, M Linschulte, A Simao
Software: Practice and Experience 44 (2), 201-234, 2014
Towards automation of checklist-based code-reviews
F Belli, R Crisan
Proceedings of ISSRE'96: 7th International Symposium on Software Reliability …, 1996
Test generation and minimization with" Basic" statecharts
F Belli, A Hollmann
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 718-723, 2008
Event-driven modeling and testing of web services
F Belli, M Linschulte
2008 32nd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications …, 2008
Testing is an event-centric activity
F Belli, M Beyazit, A Memon
2012 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Software Security and …, 2012
Event-driven modeling and testing of real-time web services
F Belli, M Linschulte
Service Oriented Computing and Applications 4, 3-15, 2010
On negative tests of web applications
F Belli, M Linschulte
Annals of Mathematics, Computing & Teleinformatics 1 (5), 44-56, 2008
Event-oriented, model-based GUI testing and reliability assessment—approach and case study
F Belli, M Beyazit, N Güler
Advances in Computers 85, 277-326, 2012
Advancing test automation technology to meet the challenges of model-based software testing-Guest editors' introduction to the special section of the Third IEEE International …
H Zhu, F Belli
Information and Software Technology 51 (11), 1485-1486, 2009
Test generation using event sequence graphs
F Belli, N Nissanke, CJ Budnik, A Mathur
Softw. Eng 52, 2005
Fault domain-based testing in imperfect situations: a heuristic approach and case studies
F Belli, M Beyazıt, AT Endo, A Mathur, A Simao
Software Quality Journal 23, 423-452, 2015
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Articles 1–20