Uday Chakraborty
Cited by
Cited by
Differential evolution using a neighborhood-based mutation operator
S Das, A Abraham, UK Chakraborty, A Konar
IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation 13 (3), 526-553, 2009
Advances in differential evolution
UK Chakraborty
Springer Science & Business Media, 2008
Two improved differential evolution schemes for faster global search
S Das, A Konar, UK Chakraborty
Proceedings of the 7th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2005
Emotion recognition from facial expressions and its control using fuzzy logic
A Chakraborty, A Konar, UK Chakraborty, A Chatterjee
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2009
Reasoning and unsupervised learning in a fuzzy cognitive map
A Konar, UK Chakraborty
Information Sciences 170 (2-4), 419-441, 2005
Analysis of selection algorithms: A Markov chain approach
UK Chakraborty, K Deb, M Chakraborty
Evolutionary computation 4 (2), 133-167, 1996
PEM fuel cell modeling using differential evolution
UK Chakraborty, TE Abbott, SK Das
Energy 40 (1), 387-399, 2012
A constructive heuristic for minimizing makespan in no-wait flow shop scheduling
D Laha, UK Chakraborty
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 41, 97-109, 2009
Improving particle swarm optimization with differentially perturbed velocity
S Das, A Konar, UK Chakraborty
Proceedings of the 7th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2005
Improved differential evolution algorithms for handling noisy optimization problems
S Das, A Konar, UK Chakraborty
2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2, 1691-1698, 2005
Differential evolution with local neighborhood
UK Chakraborty, S Das, A Konar
2006 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, 2042-2049, 2006
Cooperative multi-robot path planning using differential evolution
J Chakraborty, A Konar, LC Jain, UK Chakraborty
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 20 (1-2), 13-27, 2009
Static and dynamic modeling of solid oxide fuel cell using genetic programming
UK Chakraborty
Energy 34 (6), 740-751, 2009
An analysis of Gray versus binary encoding in genetic search
UK Chakraborty, CZ Janikow
Information Sciences 156 (3-4), 253-269, 2003
Autotuning a PID controller: A fuzzy-genetic approach
R Bandyopadhyay, UK Chakraborty, D Patranabis
Journal of Systems Architecture 47 (7), 663-673, 2001
An improved heuristic for permutation flowshop scheduling
UK Chakraborty, D Laha
International Journal of Information and communication technology 1 (1), 89-97, 2007
An analysis of linear ranking and binary tournament selection in genetic algorithms
M Chakraborty, UK Chakraborty
Proceedings of ICICS, 1997 International Conference on Information …, 1997
Using reliability analysis to estimate the number of generations to convergence in genetic algorithms
UK Chakraborty, DG Dastidar
Information Processing Letters 46 (4), 199-209, 1993
Distributed cooperative multi-robot path planning using differential evolution
J Chakraborty, A Konar, UK Chakraborty, LC Jain
2008 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE World Congress on …, 2008
A unified scheme for adaptive stroke-based rendering
HW Kang, CK Chui, UK Chakraborty
The Visual Computer 22, 814-824, 2006
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Articles 1–20