Radu Ioan Ciobanu
Cited by
Cited by
Human Physical Activity Recognition Using Smartphone Sensors
RA Voicu, C Dobre, L Bajenaru, RI Ciobanu
Sensors 19 (3), 458, 2019
SENSE: A collaborative selfish node detection and incentive mechanism for opportunistic networks
RI Ciobanu, C Dobre, M Dascălu, Ş Trăuşan-Matu, V Cristea
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 41, 240-249, 2014
Drop computing: Ad-hoc dynamic collaborative computing
RI Ciobanu, C Negru, F Pop, C Dobre, CX Mavromoustakis, G Mastorakis
Future Generation Computer Systems 92, 889-899, 2019
SPRINT: Social prediction-based opportunistic routing
RI Ciobanu, C Dobre, V Cristea
2013 IEEE 14th International Symposium on" A World of Wireless, Mobile and …, 2013
Onside: Socially-aware and interest-based dissemination in opportunistic networks
RI Ciobanu, RC Marin, C Dobre, V Cristea, CX Mavromoustakis
2014 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), 1-6, 2014
Social aspects to support opportunistic networks in an academic environment
RI Ciobanu, C Dobre, V Cristea
International Conference on Ad-Hoc Networks and Wireless, 69-82, 2012
A survey on the application of evolutionary algorithms for mobile multihop ad hoc network optimization problems
DG Reina, P Ruiz, R Ciobanu, SL Toral, B Dorronsoro, C Dobre
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 12 (2), 2082496, 2016
Predicting encounters in opportunistic networks
RI Ciobanu, C Dobre
Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on High performance mobile opportunistic …, 2012
Vehicle Detection in Overhead Satellite Images Using a One-Stage Object Detection Model
DG Stuparu, RI Ciobanu, C Dobre
Sensors 20 (22), 6485, 2020
Interest-awareness in data dissemination for opportunistic networks
RI Ciobanu, RC Marin, C Dobre, V Cristea
Ad Hoc Networks 25, 330-345, 2015
SPRINT‐SELF: social‐based routing and selfish node detection in opportunistic networks
RI Ciobanu, C Dobre, V Cristea, F Pop, F Xhafa
Mobile Information Systems 2015 (1), 596204, 2015
JDER: A history-based forwarding scheme for delay tolerant networks using Jaccard distance and encountered ration
RI Ciobanu, DG Reina, C Dobre, SL Toral, P Johnson
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 40, 279-291, 2014
CRAWDAD dataset upb/hyccups (v. 2016-10-17)
RI Ciobanu, C Dobre
Oct 2016, 10-17, 2016
A multi-objective optimization of data dissemination in delay tolerant networks
DG Reina, RI Ciobanu, SL Toral, C Dobre
Expert Systems with Applications 57, 178-191, 2016
Data dissemination in opportunistic networks
R Ciobanu, C Dobre
arXiv preprint arXiv:1202.2571, 2012
Big Data Platforms for the Internet of Things
RI Ciobanu, V Cristea, C Dobre, F Pop
Big Data and Internet of Things: A Roadmap for Smart Environments, 3-34, 2014
Trust and reputation management for opportunistic dissemination
RI Ciobanu, RC Marin, C Dobre, V Cristea
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 36, 44-56, 2017
Opportunistic dissemination using context-based data aggregation over interest spaces
RI Ciobanu, RC Marin, C Dobre, V Cristea, CX Mavromoustakis, ...
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1219-1225, 2015
Social aspects for opportunistic communication
RI Ciobanu, C Dobre, V Cristea, D Al-Jumeily
2012 11th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, 251-258, 2012
MobEmu: A Framework to Support Decentralized Ad-Hoc Networking
RI Ciobanu, RC Marin, C Dobre
Modeling and Simulation in HPC and Cloud Systems, 87-119, 2018
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Articles 1–20