Monika Pobiruchin
Monika Pobiruchin
Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences
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Cited by
Barriers and Facilitators to the Implementation of eHealth Services: Systematic Literature Analysis
B Schreiweis, M Pobiruchin, V Strotbaum, J Suleder, M Wiesner, B Bergh
Journal of medical Internet research 21 (11), e14197, 2019
Accuracy and Adoption of Wearable Technology Used by Active Citizens: A Marathon Event Field Study
M Pobiruchin, J Suleder, R Zowalla, M Wiesner
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 5 (2), e24, 2017
Technology Adoption, Motivational Aspects, and Privacy Concerns of Wearables in the German Running Community: Field Study
M Wiesner, R Zowalla, J Suleder, M Westers, M Pobiruchin
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 6 (12), e201, 2018
Temporal and Location Variations, and Link Categories for the Dissemination of COVID-19–Related Information on Twitter During the SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak in Europe: Infoveillance Study
M Pobiruchin, R Zowalla, M Wiesner
Journal of Medical Internet Research 22 (8), e19629, 2020
Your data is gold–Data donation for better healthcare?
V Strotbaum, M Pobiruchin, B Schreiweis, M Wiesner, B Strahwald
it-Information Technology 61 (5-6), 219-229, 2019
DNVF-Memorandum–Gesundheits-und Medizin-Apps (GuMAs)
U Kramer, U Borges, F Fischer, W Hoffmann, M Pobiruchin, HC Vollmar
Das Gesundheitswesen 81 (10), e154-e170, 2019
A method for using real world data in breast cancer modeling
M Pobiruchin, S Bochum, UM Martens, M Kieser, W Schramm
Journal of biomedical informatics 60, 385-394, 2016
PROSIT Open Source Disease Models for Diabetes Mellitus.
W Schramm, F Sailer, M Pobiruchin, C Weiss
Studies in health technology and informatics 226, 115-8, 2016
DNVF-Memorandum-Health and Medical Apps
U Kramer, U Borges, F Fischer, W Hoffmann, M Pobiruchin, HC Vollmar
Gesundheitswesen (Bundesverband der Arzte des Offentlichen …, 2019
An approach to improve medication adherence by smart watches.
F Sailer, M Pobiruchin, M Wiesner, G Meixner
Studies in health technology and informatics 210, 956, 2015
Prediction of 5-Year Survival with Data Mining Algorithms.
F Sailer, M Pobiruchin, S Bochum, UM Martens, W Schramm
Studies in health technology and informatics 213, 75-78, 2015
Assessment of SARS-CoV-2 infection among healthcare workers of a German COVID-19 treatment center
L Larribère, J Gordejeva, L Kuhnhenn, M Kurscheidt, M Pobiruchin, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (13), 7057, 2021
How Google Glass could support patients with diabetes mellitus in daily life.
C Hetterich, M Pobiruchin, M Wiesner, D Pfeifer
MIE, 298-302, 2014
Computer-based readability testing of information booklets for German cancer patients
C Keinki, R Zowalla, M Pobiruchin, J Huebner, M Wiesner
Journal of Cancer Education 34 (4), 696-704, 2019
Sample Size Calculation and Blinded Sample Size Recalculation in Clinical Trials Where the Treatment Effect is Measured by the Relative Risk
M Pobiruchin, M Kieser
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 42 (7), 1643-1653, 2013
Bürgerwissenschaftliche Forschungsansätze in Medizin und Gesundheitsforschung: Ausgewählte Begriffe mit Fokus auf den Beteiligungsgrad
G Hammel, S Woll, M Baumann, C Scherz, M Maia, B Behrisch, ...
TATuP-Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis 30 (3 …, 2021
The Difficulty of German Information Booklets on Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis: Automated Readability and Vocabulary Analysis
M Wiesner, R Zowalla, M Pobiruchin
JMIR Dermatology 3 (1), e16095, 2020
GlassAllergy: a Google Glass-based solution to empower patients with skin allergies.
M Wiesner, M Pobiruchin, C Hetterich, D Pfeifer
MIE2014, 548-552, 2014
Readability of English, German, and Russian Disease-Related Wikipedia Pages: Automated Computational Analysis
J Gordejeva, R Zowalla, M Pobiruchin, M Wiesner
Journal of Medical Internet Research 24 (5), e36835, 2022
Analyzing the Readability of Health Information Booklets on Cardiovascular Diseases.
R Zowalla, M Pobiruchin, M Wiesner
Studies in health technology and informatics 253, 16-20, 2018
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Articles 1–20