Patrick Mantey
Cited by
Cited by
Adaptive antenna systems
B Widrow, PE Mantey, LJ Griffiths, BB Goode
Proceedings of the IEEE 55 (12), 2143-2159, 1967
Zero-delay broadcasting protocols for video-on-demand
JF Pâris, DDE Long, PE Mantey
Proceedings of the seventh ACM international conference on Multimedia (Part …, 1999
Eigenvalue sensitivity and state-variable selection
P Mantey
IEEE transactions on automatic control 13 (3), 263-269, 1968
Digital filtering with applications to electrocardiogram processing
C Weaver, J Von Der Groeben, P Mantey, J Toole, C Cole, J Fitzgerald, ...
IEEE Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics 16 (3), 350-391, 1968
Method and means for texture display in raster scanned color graphic
GG Langdon Jr, PE Mantey
US Patent 4,225,861, 1980
Status and challenges of residential and industrial non-intrusive load monitoring
A Adabi, P Mantey, E Holmegaard, MB Kjaergaard
2015 IEEE conference on technologies for sustainability (SusTech), 181-188, 2015
Carnivore: A disruption-tolerant system for studying wildlife
M Rutishauser, V Petkov, J Boice, K Obraczka, P Mantey, TM Williams, ...
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2011, 1-14, 2011
An interactive system for aiding evaluation of local government policies
EJ Cristiani, RJ Evey, RE Goldman, PE Mantey
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 141-146, 1973
Iterative least-squares algorithms for signal extraction
PE Mantey
Proc. 2nd Hawaii Conference on System Sciences, 767-770, 1969
Universal digital filter for linear discrete systems
ME Hoff Jr, PE Mantey
US Patent 3,619,586, 1971
Integrated geographic data bases: The GADS experience
PE Mantey, ED Carlson
Data Base Techniques for Pictorial Applications: Florence, June 20–22, 1979 …, 2005
Method and means for minimizing error between the manual digitizing of points and the actual location of said points on an _electronic data entry surface
RG Casey, GG Langdon Jr, PE Mantey, R Williams
US Patent 4,181,952, 1980
REINAS: the real-time environmental information network and analysis system
DDE Long, PE Mantey, CM Wittenbrink, TR Haining, BR Montague
Digest of Papers. COMPCON'95. Technologies for the Information Superhighway …, 1995
Convergent automatic-synthesis procedures for sampled-data networks with feedback
PE Mantey
Stanford University, 1964
Automatic frequency control via digital filtering
M Ferguson, P Mantey
IEEE Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics 16 (3), 392-397, 1968
Cost-effective instrumentation via NILM to support a residential energy management system
A Adabi, P Manovi, P Mantey
2016 IEEE international conference on consumer electronics (ICCE), 107-110, 2016
Computer requirements for event recording, digital relaying and substation monitoring
PE Mantey
IEEE 6th PICA Conf. Prec, 262-272, 1969
Information for problem solving: The development of an interactive geographic information system
PE Mantey, JL Bennett, ED Carlson
IEEE Conference on Communication 2, 1973
Seads: A modifiable platform for real time monitoring of residential appliance energy consumption
A Adabi, P Manovi, P Mantey
2015 Sixth International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC), 1-4, 2015
REINAS: A real-time system for managing environmental data
EC Rosen, TR Haining, DDE Long, PE Mantey, CM Wittenbrink
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 8 …, 1998
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Articles 1–20