Serguei Roubtsov
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Cited by
Simulink models are also software: Modularity assessment
Y Dajsuren, MGJ Van Den Brand, A Serebrenik, S Roubtsov
Proceedings of the 9th international ACM Sigsoft conference on Quality of …, 2013
SQuAVisiT: A flexible tool for visual software analytics
M van den Brand, S Roubtsov, A Serebrenik
2009 13th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 331-332, 2009
Dn-based architecture assessment of Java Open Source software systems
A Serebrenik, S Roubtsov, M van den Brand
2009 IEEE 17th International Conference on Program Comprehension, 198-207, 2009
I2SD: Reverse Engineering Sequence Diagrams from Enterprise Java Beans with Interceptors
S Roubtsov, A Serebrenik, A Mazoyer, MGJ van den Brand, E Roubtsova
Use case-based acceptance testing of a large industrial system: Approach and experience report
S Roubtsov, P Heck
Testing: Academic & Industrial Conference-Practice And Research Techniques …, 2006
Reverse engineering sequence diagrams for Enterprise JavaBeans with business method interceptors
A Serebrenik, S Roubtsov, E Roubtsova, M van den Brand
2009 16th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 269-273, 2009
Flowgen: Flowchart-based documentation framework for c++
DA Kosower, JJ Lopez-Villarejo, S Roubtsov
2014 IEEE 14th International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and …, 2014
Detecting modularity" smells" in dependencies injected with Java annotations
S Roubtsov, A Serebrenik, M van den Brand
2010 14th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 244-247, 2010
UML-based tool for constructing component systems via component behaviour inheritance
EE Roubtsova, SA Roubtsov
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 80, 141-156, 2003
SQuAVisiT: A software quality assessment and visualisation toolset
S Roubtsov, A Telea, D Holten
Seventh IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and …, 2007
Evolutionary product line modelling
S Roubtsov, E Roubtsova, P Abrahamsson
Proc. International Workshop on Evolution of Large-scale Industrial Software …, 2003
Presence patterns and privacy analysis
E Roubtsova, S Roubtsov, G Alpár
Business Modeling and Software Design: 8th International Symposium, BMSD …, 2018
Dn-based design quality comparison of industrial Java applications
S Roubtsov, A Serebrenik, M van den Brand
2009 5th Central and Eastern European Software Engineering Conference in …, 2009
A feature computation tree model to specify requirements and reuse
EE Roubtsova, SA Roubtsov
Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 118-125, 2006
Behavioural inheritance in the UML to model software product lines
E Roubtsova, S Roubtsov
Science of Computer Programming 53 (3), 409-434, 2004
A test generator for model-based testing
EE Roubtsova, S Roubtsov
conference; 4th International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software …, 2014
Detecting dependencies in enterprise javabeans with squavisit
A Sutii, S Roubtsov, A Serebrenik
2013 20th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE), 485-486, 2013
Modeling evolution and variability of software product lines using interface suites
SA Roubtsov, EE Roubtsova
Software Variability Management, 62, 2003
Decision modules in models and implementations
S Roubtsov, E Roubtsova
Behavior Modeling--Foundations and Applications: International Workshops, BM …, 2015
Constraints of behavioural inheritance
EE Roubtsova, SA Roubtsov
Software Architecture: First European Workshop, EWSA 2004, St Andrews, UK …, 2004
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Articles 1–20