Tagel Gebrehiwot Gidey
Tagel Gebrehiwot Gidey
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Farm level adaptation to climate change: the case of farmer’s in the Ethiopian Highlands
T Gebrehiwot, A Van Der Veen
Environmental management 52 (1), 29-44, 2013
Spatial and temporal assessment of drought in the Northern highlands of Ethiopia
T Gebrehiwot, A Van der Veen, B Maathuis
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 13 (3 …, 2011
Assessing the evidence of climate variability in the northern part of Ethiopia
T Gebrehiwot, A van der Veen
Journal of development and agricultural economics 5 (3), 104-119, 2013
Climate smart agricultural practices and gender differentiated nutrition outcome: An empirical evidence from Ethiopia
H Teklewold, T Gebrehiwot, M Bezabih
World development 122, 38-53, 2019
Farmers prone to drought risk: why some farmers undertake farm-level risk-reduction measures while others not?
T Gebrehiwot, A Van Der Veen
Environmental management 55, 588-602, 2015
Effect of policy interventions on food security in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia
A Van der Veen, T Gebrehiwot
Ecology and Society 16 (1), 2011
Multilevel analysis of individual and community level factors associated with institutional delivery in Ethiopia
ZA Mekonnen, WT Lerebo, TG Gebrehiwot, SA Abadura
BMC research notes 8, 1-9, 2015
Climate change vulnerability in Ethiopia: disaggregation of Tigray Region
T Gebrehiwot, A van der Veen
Journal of Eastern African Studies 7 (4), 607-629, 2013
Farmers’ perceptions of climate change trends and adaptation strategies in semiarid highlands of Eastern Tigray, Northern Ethiopia
HT Kahsay, DD Guta, BS Birhanu, TG Gidey
Advances in meteorology 2019 (1), 3849210, 2019
Coping with food insecurity on a micro-scale: Evidence from Ethiopian rural households
T Gebrehiwot, A van der Veen
Ecology of food and nutrition 53 (2), 214-240, 2014
The effect of enclosures in rehabilitating degraded vegetation: a case of Enderta district, Northern Ethiopia.
T Gebrehiwot, A Veen
Determinants of enterprises use of energy efficient technologies: Evidence from urban Ethiopia
S Hassen, T Gebrehiwot, T Arega
Energy Policy 119, 388-395, 2018
Estimating the impact of a food security program by propensity-score matching
TG Gidey, A van der Veen
Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics 7 (1), 38-47, 2015
Farmers’ drought experience, risk perceptions, and behavioural intentions for adaptation: Evidence from Ethiopia
T Gebrehiwot, A van der Veen
Climate and Development 13 (6), 493-502, 2021
Do safety net transfers improve diets and reduce undernutrition? Evidence from rural Ethiopia
T Gebrehiwot, C Castilla
The Journal of Development Studies 55 (9), 1947-1966, 2019
Governing agricultural drought: Monitoring using the vegetation condition index
T Gebrehiwot, A Van der Veen, B Maathuis
Ethiopian journal of environmental studies and management 9 (3), 354-371, 2016
Rural Food Security in Tigary, Ethiopia: Policy Impact Evaluation
T Gebrehiwot
University of Twente, 2008
Building resilience to climate change in Ethiopia: What do we know so far?
M Bekele, M Bezabih, H Elias, PS Fisker, T Gebrehiwot, T Kuma, ...
University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Economics, 2020
Open access post-harvest grazing and farmers’ preferences for forage production incentives in Ethiopia
H Teklewold, A Mekonnen, T Gebrehiwot, M Bezabih
Land Use Policy 96, 104685, 2020
Study on gross pulmonary lesions in lungs of slaughtered animals and their economic importance in Tigray, Ethiopia
T Gebrehiwot, K Berihu, H Birhanu, PC Verma
Momona Ethiopian Journal of Science 7 (1), 46-54, 2015
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Articles 1–20