Koji Kamei (亀井剛次)
Koji Kamei (亀井剛次)
NTT Communication Science Laboratories
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Cited by
Cloud networked robotics
K Kamei, S Nishio, N Hagita, M Sato
IEEE Network 26 (3), 28-34, 2012
Object-based activity recognition with heterogeneous sensors on wrist
T Maekawa, Y Yanagisawa, Y Kishino, K Ishiguro, K Kamei, Y Sakurai, ...
Pervasive Computing: 8th International Conference, Pervasive 2010, Helsinki …, 2010
An efficient approximate algorithm for winner determination in combinatorial auctions
Y Sakurai, M Yokoo, K Kamei
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM conference on Electronic commerce, 30-37, 2000
Effectiveness of social behaviors for autonomous wheelchair robot to support elderly people in Japan
M Shiomi, T Iio, K Kamei, C Sharma, N Hagita
PloS one 10 (5), e0128031, 2015
Recommendation from robots in a real-world retail shop
K Kamei, K Shinozawa, T Ikeda, A Utsumi, T Miyashita, N Hagita
International conference on multimodal interfaces and the workshop on …, 2010
Object-blog system for environment-generated content
T Maekawa, Y Yanagisawa, Y Kishino, K Kamei, Y Sakurai, T Okadome
IEEE Pervasive Computing 7 (4), 20-27, 2008
The ubiquitous network robot platform: Common platform for continuous daily robotic services
M Sato, K Kamei, S Nishio, N Hagita
2011 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII), 318-323, 2011
Building knowledge-enabled cloud robotics applications using the ubiquitous network robot platform
M Tenorth, K Kamei, S Satake, T Miyashita, N Hagita
2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2013
Context-aware web search in ubiquitous sensor environments
T Maekawa, Y Yanagisawa, Y Sakurai, Y Kishino, K Kamei, T Okadome
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) 11 (3), 1-23, 2012
Robotic service coordination for elderly people and caregivers with ubiquitous network robot platform
M Shiomi, K Kamei, T Kondo, T Miyashita, N Hagita
2013 IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts, 57-62, 2013
Community organizer: supporting the formation of network communities through spatial representation
K Kamei, E Jettmar, K Fujita, S Yoshida, K Kuwabara
Proceedings 2001 Symposium on Applications and the Internet, 207-214, 2001
UNR-PF: An open-source platform for cloud networked robotic services
J Furrer, K Kamei, C Sharma, T Miyashita, N Hagita
2012 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII), 945-950, 2012
Web searching for daily living
T Maekawa, Y Yanagisawa, Y Sakurai, Y Kishino, K Kamei, T Okadome
Proceedings of the 32nd international ACM SIGIR conference on research and …, 2009
Shine: a peer-to-peer based framework of network community support systems
S Yoshida, K Kamei, T Ohguro, K Kuwabara
Computer Communications 26 (11), 1199-1209, 2003
Social acceptance by senior citizens and caregivers of a fall detection system using range sensors in a nursing home
T Iio, M Shiomi, K Kamei, C Sharma, N Hagita
Advanced robotics 30 (3), 190-205, 2016
Cooperative customer navigation between robots outside and inside a retail shop—an implementation on the ubiquitous market platform
K Kamei, T Ikeda, M Shiomi, H Kidokoro, A Utsumi, K Shinozawa, ...
annals of telecommunications-annales des télécommunications 67, 329-340, 2012
Effectiveness of cooperative customer navigation from robots around a retail shop
K Kamei, T Ikeda, H Kidokoro, M Shiomi, A Utsumi, K Shinozawa, ...
2011 IEEE Third International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and …, 2011
Ubiquitous network robot platform for realizing integrated robotic applications
S Nishio, K Kamei, N Hagita
Intelligent Autonomous Systems 12: Volume 1 Proceedings of the 12th …, 2013
User-friendly autonomous wheelchair for elderly care using ubiquitous network robot platform
M Shiomi, T Iio, K Kamei, C Sharma, N Hagita
Proceedings of the second international conference on Human-agent …, 2014
Incorporating content-based collaborative filtering in a community support system
K Funakoshi, K Kamei, S Yoshida, K Kuwabara
Intelligent Agents: Specification, Modeling, and Applications: 4th Pacific …, 2001
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Articles 1–20