Mice, rats, and people: the bio‐economics of agricultural rodent pests NC Stenseth, H Leirs, A Skonhoft, SA Davis, RP Pech, HP Andreassen, ... Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 1 (7), 367-375, 2003 | 457 | 2003 |
The Norwegian support and subsidy policy of electric cars. Should it be adopted by other countries? B Holtsmark, A Skonhoft Environmental science & policy 42, 160-168, 2014 | 278 | 2014 |
Tourism, poaching and wildlife conservation: what can integrated conservation and development projects accomplish? AB Johannesen, A Skonhoft Resource and Energy Economics 27 (3), 208-226, 2005 | 168 | 2005 |
Wild and farmed salmon in Norway—A review Y Liu, JO Olaussen, A Skonhoft Marine policy 35 (3), 413-418, 2011 | 164 | 2011 |
Ecological‐economic modeling for biodiversity management: potential, pitfalls, and prospects F Wätzold, M Drechsler, CW Armstrong, S Baumgärtner, V Grimm, A Huth, ... Conservation Biology 20 (4), 1034-1041, 2006 | 140 | 2006 |
Optimal harvest in an age structured model with different fishing selectivity A Skonhoft, N Vestergaard, M Quaas Environmental and Resource Economics 51, 525-544, 2012 | 105 | 2012 |
Sheep grazing in the North Atlantic region: A long-term perspective on environmental sustainability LC Ross, G Austrheim, LJ Asheim, G Bjarnason, J Feilberg, AM Fosaa, ... Ambio 45, 551-566, 2016 | 97 | 2016 |
Wildlife management, land-use and conflicts CE Schulz, A Skonhoft Environment and Development Economics 1 (3), 265-280, 1996 | 93 | 1996 |
Wildlife management, illegal hunting and conflicts. A bioeconomic analysis A Skonhoft, JT Solstad Environment and Development Economics 1 (2), 165-181, 1996 | 87 | 1996 |
Economic growth and land-use changes: the declining amount of wilderness land in Norway A Skonhoft, H Solem Ecological Economics 37 (2), 289-301, 2001 | 78 | 2001 |
The costs and benefits of animal predation: an analysis of Scandinavian wolf re-colonization A Skonhoft Ecological economics 58 (4), 830-841, 2006 | 77 | 2006 |
Resource utilization, property rights and welfare—Wildlife and the local people A Skonhoft Ecological economics 26 (1), 67-80, 1998 | 76 | 1998 |
The political economy of wildlife exploitation A Skonhoft, JT Solstad Land Economics, 16-31, 1998 | 73 | 1998 |
Incentives for optimal management of age-structured fish populations MF Quaas, T Requate, K Ruckes, A Skonhoft, N Vestergaard, R Voss Resource and Energy Economics 35 (2), 113-134, 2013 | 70 | 2013 |
On the optimal exploitation of terrestrial animal species A Skonhoft Environmental and Resource Economics 13, 45-57, 1999 | 65 | 1999 |
Managing a migratory species that is both a value and a pest A Skonhoft, JO Olaussen Land Economics 81 (1), 34-50, 2005 | 59 | 2005 |
Sheep grazing in the North-Atlantic region—A long term perspective on management, resource economy and ecology G Austrheim, LJ Asheim, G Bjarnason, J Feilberg, AM Fosaa, Ø Holand, ... Rapport zoologisk serie 3, 86, 2008 | 55 | 2008 |
Does economic growth eat up environmental improvements? Electricity production and fossil fuel emission in OECD countries 1980–2014 JM Dyrstad, A Skonhoft, MQ Christensen, ET Ødegaard Energy policy 125, 103-109, 2019 | 54 | 2019 |
Marine reserves: A bio-economic model with asymmetric density dependent migration CW Armstrong, A Skonhoft Ecological economics 57 (3), 466-476, 2006 | 54 | 2006 |
The bioeconomics of controlling an African rodent pest species A Skonhoft, H Leirs, HP Andreassen, LSA Mulungu, NC Stenseth Environment and development economics 11 (4), 453-475, 2006 | 52 | 2006 |