Julián Grigera
Julián Grigera
LIFIA, Fac. de Informática, UNLP
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Mockup-driven development: providing agile support for model-driven web engineering
JM Rivero, J Grigera, G Rossi, ER Luna, F Montero, M Gaedke
Information and Software Technology 56 (6), 670-687, 2014
Automatic detection of usability smells in web applications
J Grigera, A Garrido, JM Rivero, G Rossi
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 97, 129-148, 2017
From mockups to user interface models: an extensible model driven approach
JM Rivero, G Rossi, J Grigera, J Burella, ER Luna, S Gordillo
Current Trends in Web Engineering: 10th International Conference on Web …, 2010
Personalized web accessibility using client-side refactoring
A Garrido, S Firmenich, G Rossi, J Grigera, N Medina-Medina, I Harari
IEEE Internet Computing 17 (4), 58-66, 2012
Bridging test and model-driven approaches in web engineering
E Robles Luna, J Grigera, G Rossi
International Conference on Web Engineering, 136-150, 2009
Incorporating usability requirements in a test/model-driven web engineering approach
ER Luna, JI Panach, J Grigera, G Rossi, O Pastor
Journal of Web Engineering, 132-156, 2010
Improving accessibility of Web interfaces: refactoring to the rescue
A Garrido, G Rossi, NM Medina, J Grigera, S Firmenich
Universal Access in the Information Society 13, 387-399, 2014
From interface mockups to web application models
JM Rivero, G Rossi, J Grigera, E Robles Luna, A Navarro
Web Information System Engineering–WISE 2011: 12th International Conference …, 2011
Towards agile model-driven web engineering
JM Rivero, J Grigera, G Rossi, E Robles Luna, N Koch
IS Olympics: Information Systems in a Diverse World: CAiSE Forum 2011 …, 2012
Usability improvement through A/B testing and refactoring
S Firmenich, A Garrido, J Grigera, JM Rivero, G Rossi
Software Quality Journal 27, 203-240, 2019
A tool for detecting bad usability smells in an automatic way
J Grigera, A Garrido, JM Rivero
Web Engineering: 14th International Conference, ICWE 2014, Toulouse, France …, 2014
Improving Agility in Model-Driven Web Engineering.
JM Rivero, J Grigera, G Rossi, ER Luna, N Koch
CAiSE Forum 734, 163-170, 2011
MockAPI: an agile approach supporting API-first web application development
JM Rivero, S Heil, J Grigera, M Gaedke, G Rossi
Web Engineering: 13th International Conference, ICWE 2013, Aalborg, Denmark …, 2013
Capture and Evolution of Web requirements using WebSpec
ER Luna, I Garrigós, J Grigera, M Winckler
Web Engineering: 10th International Conference, ICWE 2010, Vienna Austria …, 2010
From requirements to web applications in an agile model-driven approach
J Grigera, JM Rivero, E Robles Luna, F Giacosa, G Rossi
Web Engineering: 12th International Conference, ICWE 2012, Berlin, Germany …, 2012
Kobold: web usability as a service
J Grigera, A Garrido, G Rossi
2017 32nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software …, 2017
Assessing refactorings for usability in e-commerce applications
J Grigera, A Garrido, JI Panach, D Distante, G Rossi
Empirical Software Engineering 21, 1224-1271, 2016
A mixed usability evaluation on a multi criteria group decision support system in agriculture
J Grigera, A Garrido, P Zaraté, G Camilleri, A Fernández
Proceedings of the XIX International Conference on Human Computer …, 2018
An incremental approach for building accessible and usable web applications
NM Medina, J Burella, G Rossi, J Grigera, ER Luna
Web Information Systems Engineering–WISE 2010: 11th International Conference …, 2010
Predicting interaction effort in web interface widgets
JC Gardey, J Grigera, A Rodríguez, G Rossi, A Garrido
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 168, 102919, 2022
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Articles 1–20