Muhammad Akram Naseem
Muhammad Akram Naseem
Lahore Business School,The University of Lahore,Pakistan
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Impact of stress on employees job performance in business sector of Pakistan
L Dar, A Akmal, MA Naseem, KUD Khan
Global journal of management and business research 11 (6), 1-4, 2011
Distribution of highly arsenic and fluoride contaminated groundwater from east Punjab, Pakistan, and the controlling role of anthropogenic pollutants in the natural …
A Farooqi, H Masuda, M Kusakabe, M Naseem, N Firdous
Geochemical journal 41 (4), 213-234, 2007
Does capital structure mediate the link between CEO characteristics and firm performance?
MA Naseem, J Lin, R ur Rehman, MI Ahmad, R Ali
Management Decision 58 (1), 164-181, 2019
Impact of board characteristics on corporate social responsibility disclosure
MA Naseem, S Riaz, RU Rehman, A Ikram, F Malik
Journal of Applied Business Research 33 (4), 2017
Sources of arsenic and fluoride in highly contaminated soils causing groundwater contamination in Punjab, Pakistan
A Farooqi, H Masuda, R Siddiqui, M Naseem
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 56, 693-706, 2009
Corporate governance and firm performance: A case study of Pakistan oil and gas companies listed in Karachi stock exchange
LA Dar, MA Naseem, RU Rehman, GS Niazi
Global journal of management and business research 11 (8), 1-10, 2011
Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility Related to CEO Attributes: An Empirical Study
SA Fizzah Malik,Fangjun Wang,Muhammad Akram Naseem,Amir Ikram
Sage Open 10 (1), 1-12, 2020
Impact of foreign direct investment on gross domestic product
Q Abbas, S Akbar, AS Nasir, HA Ullah, MA Naseem
Global Journal of Management and Business Research 11 (8), 35-40, 2011
Allelopathic effects of sunflower water extract on weed control and wheat productivity
M Naseem, M Aslam, M Ansar, M Azhar
Pakistan Journal of Weed Science Research 15 (1), 107-116, 2009
Board attributes and financial performance: the evidence from an emerging economy
MA Naseem, S Xiaoming, S Riaz, RU Rehman
The journal of developing areas 51 (3), 281-297, 2017
Employee retention as a challenge in leather industry
M Hassan, S Hassan, KUD Khan, MA Naseem
Global Journal of Human Social Science 11 (2), 8-14, 2011
A study of job stress and job satisfaction among universities faculty in Lahore, Pakistan
MU Manzoor, M Usman, MA Naseem, MM Shafiq
Global Journal of Management and Business Research 11 (9), 1-5, 2011
The role of LMX in employees job motivation, satisfaction, empowerment, stress and turnover: Cross country analysis
M Malik, D Wan, MI Ahmad, MA Naseem
Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR), 1897-2000, 2015
Female presence in corporate governance, firm performance, and the moderating role of family ownership
A Amin, R Ali, MA Naseem, MI Ahmad
Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja 35 (1), 929-948, 2022
Role of board size in corporate governance and firm performance applying Pareto approach, is it cultural phenomena?
M Malik, D Wan, MI Ahmad, MA Naseem, RU Rehman
Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR), 1395-1406, 2014
Relationship between capital structure and firms performance: A case of textile sector in Pakistan
A Nawaz, R Ali, MA Naseem
Global Business and Management Research 3 (3/4), 270, 2011
Impact of financial rewards on employee’s motivation and satisfaction in pharmaceutical industry, Pakistan
A Ali, MN Akram
Global Journal of Management and Business Research 12 (17), 44-49, 2012
Are environmental social governance equity indices a better choice for investors? An Asian perspective
R Ur Rehman, J Zhang, J Uppal, C Cullinan, M Akram Naseem
Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (4), 440-459, 2016
Exchange rate, gold price, and stock market nexus: A quantile regression approach
R Ali, IU Mangla, RU Rehman, W Xue, MA Naseem, MI Ahmad
Risks 8 (3), 86, 2020
Association between Reward and Employee motivation: A case study Banking Sector of Pakistan
MM Shafiq, MA Naseem
Available at SSRN 1857663, 2011
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Articles 1–20