John A. Butman
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Cited by
Phase II trial of single-agent bevacizumab followed by bevacizumab plus irinotecan at tumor progression in recurrent glioblastoma
TN Kreisl, L Kim, K Moore, P Duic, C Royce, I Stroud, N Garren, M Mackey, ...
Journal of clinical oncology 27 (5), 740, 2009
Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography in emergency assessment of patients with suspected acute stroke: a prospective comparison
JA Chalela, CS Kidwell, LM Nentwich, M Luby, JA Butman, AM Demchuk, ...
The Lancet 369 (9558), 293-298, 2007
Comparison of MRI and CT for detection of acute intracerebral hemorrhage
CS Kidwell, JA Chalela, JL Saver, S Starkman, MD Hill, AM Demchuk, ...
Jama 292 (15), 1823-1830, 2004
An autoinflammatory disease with deficiency of the interleukin-1–receptor antagonist
I Aksentijevich, SL Masters, PJ Ferguson, P Dancey, J Frenkel, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 360 (23), 2426-2437, 2009
Neonatal-onset multisystem inflammatory disease responsive to interleukin-1β inhibition
R Goldbach-Mansky, NJ Dailey, SW Canna, A Gelabert, J Jones, BI Rubin, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 355 (6), 581-592, 2006
Neurofibromatosis type 2
AR Asthagiri, DM Parry, JA Butman, HJ Kim, ET Tsilou, Z Zhuang, ...
The Lancet 373 (9679), 1974-1986, 2009
Inhibition of B cell receptor signaling by ibrutinib in primary CNS lymphoma
MS Lionakis, K Dunleavy, M Roschewski, BC Widemann, JA Butman, ...
Cancer cell 31 (6), 833-843. e5, 2017
Congenital disorder of oxygen sensing: association of the homozygous Chuvash polycythemia VHL mutation with thrombosis and vascular abnormalities but not tumors
VR Gordeuk, AI Sergueeva, GY Miasnikova, D Okhotin, Y Voloshin, ...
Blood 103 (10), 3924-3932, 2004
Gadolinium-based MRI characterization of leptomeningeal inflammation in multiple sclerosis
M Absinta, L Vuolo, A Rao, G Nair, P Sati, ICM Cortese, J Ohayon, ...
Neurology 85 (1), 18-28, 2015
Calcific neurocysticercosis and epileptogenesis
TE Nash, OH Del Brutto, JA Butman, T Corona, A Delgado-Escueta, ...
Neurology 62 (11), 1934-1938, 2004
SLC26A4/PDS genotype-phenotype correlation in hearing loss with enlargement of the vestibular aqueduct (EVA): evidence that Pendred syndrome and non-syndromic EVA are distinct …
SP Pryor, AC Madeo, JC Reynolds, NJ Sarlis, KS Arnos, WE Nance, ...
Journal of medical genetics 42 (2), 159-165, 2005
Iron accumulation in deep cortical layers accounts for MRI signal abnormalities in ALS: correlating 7 tesla MRI and pathology
JY Kwan, SY Jeong, P Van Gelderen, HX Deng, MM Quezado, ...
PloS one 7 (4), e35241, 2012
Normal vision despite narrowing of the optic canal in fibrous dysplasia
JS Lee, E FitzGibbon, JA Butman, CR Dufresne, H Kushner, S Wientroub, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 347 (21), 1670-1676, 2002
Sustained response and prevention of damage progression in patients with neonatal‐onset multisystem inflammatory disease treated with anakinra: a cohort study to determine …
CH Sibley, N Plass, J Snow, EA Wiggs, CC Brewer, KA King, C Zalewski, ...
Arthritis & Rheumatism 64 (7), 2375-2386, 2012
Long-term natural history of hemangioblastomas in patients with von Hippel–Lindau disease: implications for treatment
JM Ammerman, RR Lonser, J Dambrosia, JA Butman, EH Oldfield
Journal of neurosurgery 105 (2), 248-255, 2006
Successful and safe perfusion of the primate brainstem: in vivo magnetic resonance imaging of macromolecular distribution during infusion
RR Lonser, S Walbridge, K Garmestani, JA Butman, HA Walters, ...
Journal of neurosurgery 97 (4), 905-913, 2002
Treatment of neurocysticercosis: current status and future research needs
TE Nash, G Singh, AC White, V Rajshekhar, JA Loeb, JV Proano, ...
Neurology 67 (7), 1120-1127, 2006
Single-trial fMRI shows contralesional activity linked to overt naming errors in chronic aphasic patients
WA Postman-Caucheteux, RM Birn, RH Pursley, JA Butman, JM Solomon, ...
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 22 (6), 1299-1318, 2010
Neurofilament light as a biomarker in traumatic brain injury
P Shahim, A Politis, A Van Der Merwe, B Moore, YY Chou, DL Pham, ...
Neurology 95 (6), e610-e622, 2020
Successful treatment of melanoma brain metastases with adoptive cell therapy
JJ Hong, SA Rosenberg, ME Dudley, JC Yang, DE White, JA Butman, ...
Clinical Cancer Research 16 (19), 4892-4898, 2010
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Articles 1–20