Tom Shively
Tom Shively
Professor of Statistics, McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin
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Estimating irregular pricing effects: A stochastic spline regression approach
K Kalyanam, TS Shively
Journal of Marketing Research 35 (1), 16-29, 1998
A Bayesian approach to non-parametric monotone function estimation
TS Shively, TW Sager, SG Walker
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology …, 2009
Variable selection and function estimation in additive nonparametric regression using a data-based prior
TS Shively, R Kohn, S Wood
Journal of the American Statistical Association 94 (447), 777-794, 1999
A choice model for packaged goods: Dealing with discrete quantities and quantity discounts
GM Allenby, TS Shively, S Yang, MJ Garratt
Marketing Science 23 (1), 95-108, 2004
Point process approach to modeling trends in tropospheric ozone based on exceedances of a high threshold
RL Smith, TS Shively
Atmospheric Environment 29 (23), 3489-3499, 1995
Nonparametric function estimation subject to monotonicity, convexity and other shape constraints
TS Shively, SG Walker, P Damien
Journal of Econometrics 161 (2), 166-181, 2011
Fast evaluation of the distribution of the Durbin-Watson and other invariant test statistics in time series regression
TS Shively, CF Ansley, R Kohn
Journal of the American Statistical Association 85 (411), 676-685, 1990
Locally optimal testing when a nuisance parameter is present only under the alternative
ML King, TS Shively
The Review of Economics and Statistics, 1-7, 1993
The relationship between online chatter and firm value
L McAlister, G Sonnier, T Shively
Marketing Letters 23, 1-12, 2012
A Bayesian semi-parametric model to estimate relationships between crash counts and roadway characteristics
TS Shively, K Kockelman, P Damien
Transportation research part B: methodological 44 (5), 699-715, 2010
Model selection in spline nonparametric regression
S Wood, R Kohn, T Shively, W Jiang
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology …, 2002
An exact test for a stochastic coefficient in a time series regression model
TS Shively
Journal of Time Series Analysis 9 (1), 81-88, 1988
An analysis of tests for regression coefficient stability
TS Shively
Journal of Econometrics 39 (3), 367-386, 1988
mBART: multidimensional monotone BART
HA Chipman, EI George, RE McCulloch, TS Shively
Bayesian Analysis 17 (2), 515-544, 2022
A semiparametric stochastic spline model as a managerial tool for potential insolvency
EG Baranoff, TW Sager, TS Shively
Journal of Risk and Insurance, 369-396, 2000
An analysis of the trend in ground-level ozone using non-homogeneous Poisson processes
TS Shively
Atmospheric Environment. Part B. Urban Atmosphere 25 (3), 387-395, 1991
Computing p-values for the generalized Durbin-Watson and other invariant test statistics
CF Ansley, R Kohn, TS Shively
Journal of Econometrics 54 (1-3), 277-300, 1992
A nonparametric approach to identifying latent relationships in hierarchical models
TS Shively, GM Allenby, R Kohn
Marketing Science 19 (2), 149-162, 2000
A Bayesian approach to model selection in stochastic coefficient regression models and structural time series models
TS Shively, R Kohn
Journal of Econometrics 76 (1-2), 39-52, 1997
High-dimensional nonparametric monotone function estimation using BART
HA Chipman, EI George, RE McCulloch, TS Shively
arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.01619, 2016
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