Murat Kurt
Murat Kurt
International Computer Institute, Ege University
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Cited by
An Anisotropic BRDF Model for Fitting and Monte Carlo Rendering
M Kurt, L Szirmay-Kalos, J Křivánek
ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics 44 (1), 1-15, 2010
A Survey of BRDF Models for Computer Graphics
M Kurt, D Edwards
ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics 43 (2), 1-7, 2009
A General BRDF Representation Based on Tensor Decomposition
A Bilgili, A Öztürk, M Kurt
Computer Graphics Forum 30 (8), 2427-2439, 2011
Reducing Anisotropic BSDF Measurement to Common Practice
G Ward, M Kurt, N Bonneel
Proceedings of the 2nd Eurographics Workshop on Material Appearance Modeling …, 2014
A Practical Framework for Sharing and Rendering Real-World Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Functions
G Ward, M Kurt, N Bonneel
Technical Report LBNL-5954E, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2012
Improving Visual Perception of Augmented Reality on Mobile Devices with 3D Red-Cyan Glasses
C Güngör, M Kurt
Proceedings of the IEEE 22nd Signal Processing and Communications …, 2014
Linear approximation of Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions
A Ozturk, M Kurt, A Bilgili, C Gungor
Computers & Graphics 32 (2), 149-158, 2008
Compact and intuitive data-driven BRDF models
T Tongbuasirilai, J Unger, J Kronander, M Kurt
The Visual Computer 36 (4), 855-872, 2020
A Compact Tucker-Based Factorization Model for Heterogeneous Subsurface Scattering
M Kurt, A Öztürk, P Peers
Proceedings of the 11th Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics, 85-92, 2013
Representing BRDFs Using SOMs and MANs
M Kurt, MG Cinsdikici
ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics 42 (3), 1-18, 2008
GenSSS: a genetic algorithm for measured subsurface scattering representation
M Kurt
The Visual Computer 37 (2), 307-323, 2021
A Copula-Based BRDF Model
A Öztürk, M Kurt, A Bilgili
Computer Graphics Forum 29 (6), 1795-1806, 2010
A Survey of BSDF Measurements and Representations
M Kurt
Journal of Science and Engineering 20 (58), 87-102, 2018
Real-time Kd-tree Based Importance Sampling of Environment Maps
S Ergun, M Kurt, A Öztürk
Proceedings of the 28th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, 77-84, 2012
Real-Time Shading with Phong BRDF Model
M Kurt
Journal of Science and Engineering 21 (63), 859-867, 2019
Efficient BRDF Sampling Using Projected Deviation Vector Parameterization
T Tongbuasirilai, J Unger, M Kurt
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2017
Adaptive Sampling for Environment Mapping
L Szécsi, L Szirmay-Kalos, M Kurt, B Csébfalvi
Proceedings of the 26th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, 69-76, 2010
Polynomial Approximation of Blinn-Phong Model
A Öztürk, A Bilgili, M Kurt
Proceedings of the 4th Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics, 55-61, 2006
A U-Net Based Segmentation and Classification Approach over Orthophoto Maps of Archaeological Sites
G Gök, S Küçük, M Kurt, E Tarı
Proceedings of the IEEE 31st Signal Processing and Communications …, 2023
A Data-Driven BSDF Framework
M Kurt, G Ward, N Bonneel
Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH 2016, Posters, 31:1-31:2, 2016
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Articles 1–20