Takeshi Kurata
Cited by
Cited by
Personal positioning based on walking locomotion analysis with self-contained sensors and a wearable camera
M Kourogi, T Kurata
Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Mixed and …, 2003
Indoor/outdoor pedestrian navigation with an embedded GPS/RFID/self-contained sensor system
M Kourogi, N Sakata, T Okuma, T Kurata
International conference on artificial reality and telexistence, 1310-1321, 2006
Dollhouse vr: a multi-view, multi-user collaborative design workspace with vr technology
H Ibayashi, Y Sugiura, D Sakamoto, N Miyata, M Tada, T Okuma, T Kurata, ...
SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Emerging Technologies, 1-2, 2015
WACL: Supporting Telecommunications Using Wearable Active Camera with Laser Pointer.
N Sakata, T Kurata, T Kato, M Kourogi, H Kuzuoka
ISWC 2003, 7th, 2003
Remote collaboration using a shoulder-worn active camera/laser
T Kurata, N Sakata, M Kourogi, H Kuzuoka, M Billinghurst
Eighth international symposium on wearable computers 1, 62-69, 2004
The hand mouse: GMM hand-color classification and mean shift tracking
T Kurata, T Okuma, M Kourogi, K Sakaue
Proceedings IEEE ICCV Workshop on Recognition, Analysis, and Tracking of …, 2001
A panorama-based method of personal positioning and orientation and its real-time applications for wearable computers
M Kourogi, T Kurata, K Sakaue
Proceedings Fifth International Symposium on Wearable Computers, 107-114, 2001
A method of pedestrian dead reckoning using action recognition
M Kourogi, T Ishikawa, T Kurata
IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium, 85-89, 2010
A method of pedestrian dead reckoning for smartphones using frequency domain analysis on patterns of acceleration and angular velocity
M Kourogi, T Kurata
2014 IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium-PLANS 2014, 164-168, 2014
Off-line evaluation of indoor positioning systems in different scenarios: the experiences from IPIN 2020 Competition
F Potortě, J Torres-Sospedra, D Quezada-Gaibor, AR Jiménez, F Seco, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 22 (6), 5011-5054, 2021
Real-time image mosaicing from a video sequence
M Kourogi, T Kurata, J Hoshino, Y Muraoka
Proceedings 1999 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat …, 1999
A method of personal positioning based on sensor data fusion of wearable camera and self-contained sensors
M Kourogi, T Kurata
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and …, 2003
A Functionally-Distributed Hand Tracking Method for Wearable Visual Interfaces and Its Applications.
T Kurata, T Kato, M Kourogi, K Jung, K Endo
MVA, 84-89, 2002
In-situ 3d indoor modeler with a camera and self-contained sensors
T Ishikawa, K Thangamani, M Kourogi, AP Gee, W Mayol-Cuevas, K Jung, ...
International Conference on Virtual and Mixed Reality, 454-464, 2009
Text scanner with text detection technology on image sequences
K Jung, KI Kim, T Kurata, M Kourogi, JH Han
Pattern Recognition, 2002. Proceedings. 16th International Conference on 3 …, 2002
VizWear: Toward human-centered interaction through wearable vision and visualization
T Kurata, T Okuma, M Kourogi, T Kato, K Sakaue
Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, 40-47, 2001
Indoor-outdoor navigation system for visually-impaired pedestrians: Preliminary evaluation of position measurement and obstacle display
T Kurata, M Kourogi, T Ishikawa, Y Kameda, K Aoki, J Ishikawa
2011 15th Annual International Symposium on Wearable Computers, 123-124, 2011
Economic and synergistic pedestrian tracking system for indoor environments
T Ishikawa, M Kourogi, T Okuma, T Kurata
2009 International Conference of Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition, 522-527, 2009
Visual assist with a laser pointer and wearable display for remote collaboration
N Sakata12, T Kurata12, H Kuzuoka
A pilot user study on 3-d museum guide with route recommendation using a sustainable positioning system
T Okuma, M Kourogi, N Sakata, T Kurata
2007 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, 749-753, 2007
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Articles 1–20