Luis F. Chiroque
Cited by
Cited by
Sentiment analysis and topic detection of Spanish tweets: A comparative study of of NLP techniques
AF Anta, LN Chiroque, P Morere, A Santos
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural 50, 45-52, 2013
Conauto-2.0: Fast isomorphism testing and automorphism group computation
JL López-Presa, AF Anta, LN Chiroque
arXiv preprint arXiv:1108.1060, 2011
Graph-based Techniques for Topic Classification of Tweets in Spanish.
H Cordobés, AF Anta, LF Chiroque, FP García, T Redondo, A Santos
IJIMAI 2 (5), 32-38, 2014
Unsupervised Scalable Statistical Method for Identifying Influential Users in Online Social Networks
A Azcorra, LF Chiroque, R Cuevas, AF Anta, H Laniado, RE Lillo, J Romo, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 6955, 2018
Novel Techniques to Speed Up the Computation of the Automorphism Group of a Graph
JL López-Presa, LF Chiroque, A Fernández Anta
Journal of Applied Mathematics 2014, 2014
Techniques for sentiment analysis and topic detection of Spanish tweets: preliminary report
A Fernández Anta, P Morere, LF Chiroque, A Santos
ATMoN: Adapting the “Temporality” in Large-Scale Dynamic Networks
D Trihinas, LF Chiroque, G Pallis, A Fernández Anta, M Dikaiakos
Empirical Comparison of Graph-based Recommendation Engines for an Apps Ecosystem
H Cordobés de la Calle, LF Chiroque, A Fernández Anta, ...
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence …, 2015
Novel Techniques for Automorphism Group Computation
JL López-Presa, L Núñez Chiroque, AF Anta
Experimental Algorithms, 296-307, 2013
Building an HLA-based distributed simulation: a metadata approach
A Santos, K Leal, LF Chiroque
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/ACM 17th International Symposium on Distributed …, 2013
New Methods for Ranking Influence in Social Networks
LF Chiroque
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain, 2015
Combining Graphs and Big Data to Recommend Apps
LF Chiroque, H Cordobés de la Calle, A Fernández Anta, R García, ...
Graph-based Techniques for Topic Classification of Tweets (Técnicas basadas en grafos para la categorización de tweets por tema)
H Cordobés de la Calle, A Fernández Anta, LF Chiroque, F Pérez, ...
Técnicas basadas en grafos para la categorización de tweets por tema (Graph-based Techniques for Topic Classification of Tweets)
H Cordobés de la Calle, A Fernández Anta, LF Chiroque, A Santos
Use of Automorphisms in Conauto-2.0
LF Núñez Chiroque
EUITT, UPM, 2011
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Articles 1–15