Susumu Saito
Susumu Saito
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Striving to earn more: a survey of work strategies and tool use among crowd workers
T Kaplan, S Saito, K Hara, J Bigham
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing 6 …, 2018
Becoming the super turker: Increasing wages via a strategy from high earning workers
S Savage, CW Chiang, S Saito, C Toxtli, J Bigham
Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020, 1241-1252, 2020
TurkScanner: Predicting the hourly wage of microtasks
S Saito, CW Chiang, S Savage, T Nakano, T Kobayashi, JP Bigham
The World Wide Web Conference 🏆, 3187-3193, 2019
Waseda at TRECVID 2016: Ad-hoc Video Search.
K Ueki, K Kikuchi, S Saito, T Kobayashi
Towards a framework for collaborative video surveillance system using crowdsourcing
S Saito, T Kobayashi, T Nakano
Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative …, 2016
VocalTurk: Exploring Feasibility of Crowdsourced Speaker Identification
S Saito, Y Ide, T Nakano, T Ogawa
INTERSPEECH 2021, 2021
Predicting the Working Time of Microtasks Based on Workers' Perception of Prediction Errors
S Saito, CW Chiang, S Savage, T Nakano, T Kobayashi, J Bigham
Human Computation 6, 192-219, 2019
Two-stage calving prediction system: Exploiting state-based information relevant to calving signs in japanese black beef cows
R Hyodo, S Yasuda, S Saito, Y Okimoto, T Nakano, M Akabane, ...
European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming (ECPLF), 670-676, 2019
Calving prediction from video: Exploiting behavioural information relevant to calving signs in japanese black beef cows
K Sugawara, S Saito, T Nakano, M Akabane, T Kobayashi, T Ogawa
European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming (ECPLF), 663-669, 2019
Toward building a data-driven system for detecting mounting actions of black beef cattle
Y Kawano, S Saito, T Nakano, I Kondo, R Yamazaki, H Kusaka, ...
2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 4458-4464, 2021
Do You Know How Humans Sound? Exploring a Qualification Test Design for Crowdsourced Evaluation of Voice Synthesis Quality
M Yaegashi, S Saito, T Nakano, T Ogawa
2022 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual …, 2022
Can Humans Correct Errors From System? Investigating Error Tendencies in Speaker Identification Using Crowdsourcing.
Y Ide, S Saito, T Nakano, T Ogawa
INTERSPEECH, 5100-5104, 2022
Crowdsourced verification for operating calving surveillance systems at an early stage
Y Okimoto, S Kawata, S Saito, T Nakano, T Ogawa
2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 4356-4362, 2021
Exploring effectiveness of inter-microtask qualification tests in crowdsourcing
M Morinaga, S Saito, T Nakano, T Kobayashi, T Ogawa
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.10999, 2020
川野百合子, 斎藤奨, 中野鐵兵, 赤羽誠, 近藤育海, 山崎稜汰, 日下裕美, ...
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第 34 回 (2020), 1N5GS1305-1N5GS1305, 2020
MicroLapse: Measuring workers' leniency to prediction errors of microtasks' working times
S Saito, T Nakano, T Kobayashi, JP Bigham
Companion Publication of the 2019 Conference on Computer Supported …, 2019
Evaluation of collaborative video surveillance platform: Prototype development of abandoned object detection
S Saito, T Nakano, M Akabane, T Kobayashi
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Distributed Smart Camera …, 2016
Video Surveillance System Incorporating Expert Decision-making Process: A Case Study on Detecting Calving Signs in Cattle
R Hyodo, S Saito, T Nakano, M Akabane, R Kasuga, T Ogawa
arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.03926, 2023
柳澤遼, 斎藤奨, 中野鐵兵, 小林哲則, 小川哲司
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告; 信学技報 122 (94), 72-76, 2022
Unsupervised Learning of a Dynamic Task Ordering Model for Crowdsourcing
R Yanagisawa, S Saito, T Nakano, T Kobayashi, T Ogawa
IEICE Technical Report; IEICE Tech. Rep. 122 (94), 72-76, 2022
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