Ramon dos Reis Fontes
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Cited by
Mininet-WiFi: Emulating software-defined wireless networks
RR Fontes, S Afzal, SHB Brito, MAS Santos, CE Rothenberg
2015 11th International conference on network and service management (CNSM …, 2015
From theory to experimental evaluation: Resource management in software-defined vehicular networks
RDR Fontes, C Campolo, CE Rothenberg, A Molinaro
IEEE access 5, 3069-3076, 2017
SDN enhanced multi-access edge computing (MEC) for E2E mobility and QoS management
SDA Shah, MA Gregory, S Li, RDR Fontes
IEEE Access 8, 77459-77469, 2020
SDN-based service mobility management in MEC-enabled 5G and beyond vehicular networks
SDA Shah, MA Gregory, S Li, R dos Reis Fontes, L Hou
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (15), 13425-13442, 2022
Towards 5G network slicing for the V2X ecosystem
C Campolo, A Molinaro, A Iera, RR Fontes, CE Rothenberg
2018 4th IEEE conference on network softwarization and workshops (NetSoft …, 2018
Cooperative mobile edge computing system for VANET-based software-defined content delivery
J Al-Badarneh, Y Jararweh, M Al-Ayyoub, R Fontes, M Al-Smadi, ...
Computers & Electrical Engineering 71, 388-397, 2018
Mininet-wifi: A platform for hybrid physical-virtual software-defined wireless networking research
RR Fontes, CE Rothenberg
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGCOMM Conference, 607-608, 2016
Slicing on the road: Enabling the automotive vertical through 5G network softwarization
C Campolo, R dos Reis Fontes, A Molinaro, C Esteve Rothenberg, A Iera
Sensors 18 (12), 4435, 2018
An application-driven framework for intelligent transportation systems using 5G network slicing
T do Vale Saraiva, CAV Campos, R dos Reis Fontes, CE Rothenberg, ...
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 22 (8), 5247-5260, 2021
Software defined storage for cooperative mobile edge computing systems
J Al-Badarneh, Y Jararweh, M Al-Ayyoub, M Al-Smadi, R Fontes
2017 Fourth International Conference on Software Defined Systems (SDS), 174-179, 2017
How far can we go? towards realistic software-defined wireless networking experiments
RR Fontes, M Mahfoudi, W Dabbous, T Turletti, C Rothenberg
The Computer Journal 60 (10), 1458-1471, 2017
Dissecting the largest national ecosystem of public internet exchange points in Brazil
SHB Brito, MAS Santos, RR Fontes, DAL Perez, CE Rothenberg
Passive and Active Measurement: 17th International Conference, PAM 2016 …, 2016
Dh-aes-p4: on-premise encryption and in-band key-exchange in p4 fully programmable data planes
I Oliveira, E Neto, R Immich, R Fontes, A Neto, F Rodriguez, ...
2021 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined …, 2021
An analysis of the largest national ecosystem of public internet exchange points: The case of brazil
SHB Brito, MAS Santos, R dos Reis Fontes, DAL Perez, HDL da Silva, ...
Journal of Communication and Information Systems 31 (1), 2016
Authoring of OpenFlow networks with visual network description (SDN version)(WIP)
RR Fontes, ALC Oliveira, PNM Sampaio, TR Pinheiro, RARB Figueira
Proceedings of the 2014 Summer Simulation Multiconference, 1-6, 2014
Prototyping near-real time RIC O-RAN xApps for Flexible ML-based Spectrum Sensing
I Rego, L Medeiros, P Alves, M Goldbarg, V Lopes, D Flor, W Barros, ...
2022 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined …, 2022
R Fontes, CRE Rothenberg
Wireless network emulation with mininet-wifi
RR Fontes, CRE Rothenberg
(No Title), 2019
Mininet-WiFi: Emulator for software-defined wireless networks
R Fontes, C Rothenberg
Proc. 11th Int. Conf. Netw. Service Manage., 384-389, 2018
R dos Reis Fontes, CE Rothenberg
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGCOMM Conference. ACM, 2016
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Articles 1–20