Izlem Izbudak, MD
Izlem Izbudak, MD
AdventHealth Medical Group Radiology Central Florida Orlando, FL
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Cited by
Dynamic imaging of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells trafficking to myocardial infarction
DL Kraitchman, M Tatsumi, WD Gilson, T Ishimori, D Kedziorek, ...
Circulation 112 (10), 1451-1461, 2005
Distinct subtypes of myelitis in systemic lupus erythematosus
J Birnbaum, M Petri, R Thompson, I Izbudak, D Kerr
Arthritis & Rheumatism: Official Journal of the American College of …, 2009
Association of cortical lesion burden on 7-T magnetic resonance imaging with cognition and disability in multiple sclerosis
DM Harrison, S Roy, J Oh, I Izbudak, D Pham, S Courtney, B Caffo, ...
JAMA neurology 72 (9), 1004-1012, 2015
Spinal cord involvement in multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders
O Ciccarelli, JA Cohen, SC Reingold, BG Weinshenker, MP Amato, ...
The Lancet Neurology 18 (2), 185-197, 2019
Differentiating neuromyelitis optica from other causes of longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis on spinal magnetic resonance imaging
Y Pekcevik, CH Mitchell, MA Mealy, G Orman, IH Lee, SD Newsome, ...
Multiple Sclerosis Journal 22 (3), 302-311, 2016
MRI differences between MOG antibody disease and AQP4 NMOSD
S Salama, M Khan, A Shanechi, M Levy, I Izbudak
Multiple Sclerosis Journal 26 (14), 1854-1865, 2020
Longitudinally extensive optic neuritis as an MRI biomarker distinguishes neuromyelitis optica from multiple sclerosis
MA Mealy, A Whetstone, G Orman, I Izbudak, PA Calabresi, M Levy
Journal of the neurological sciences 355 (1-2), 59-63, 2015
MR‐trackable intramyocardial injection catheter
PV Karmarkar, DL Kraitchman, I Izbudak, LV Hofmann, LC Amado, ...
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the International …, 2004
MOG antibody–associated encephalomyelitis/encephalitis
S Salama, M Khan, S Pardo, I Izbudak, M Levy
Multiple Sclerosis Journal 25 (11), 1427-1433, 2019
Leptomeningeal enhancement at 7T in multiple sclerosis: frequency, morphology, and relationship to cortical volume
DM Harrison, KY Wang, J Fiol, K Naunton, W Royal III, J Hua, I Izbudak
Journal of Neuroimaging 27 (5), 461-468, 2017
Delayed posthypoxic leukoencephalopathy: a case series and review of the literature
CA Zamora, D Nauen, R Hynecek, AT Ilica, I Izbudak, HI Sair, SK Gujar, ...
Brain and behavior 5 (8), e00364, 2015
The many faces of fungal disease of the paranasal sinuses: CT and MRI findings
M Mossa-Basha, AT Ilica, F Maluf, Ö Karakoç, İ İzbudak, N Aygün
Diagnostic and interventional radiology 19 (3), 195, 2013
MR imaging of hypoxic-ischemic injury in term neonates: pearls and pitfalls
SK Ghei, E Zan, JE Nathan, A Choudhri, A Tekes, TAGM Huisman, ...
Radiographics 34 (4), 1047-1061, 2014
Medulloblastoma: atypical CT and MRI findings in children
A Eran, A Ozturk, N Aygun, I Izbudak
Pediatric radiology 40, 1254-1262, 2010
Accuracy of head ultrasound for the detection of intracranial hemorrhage in preterm neonates: comparison with brain MRI and susceptibility-weighted imaging
J Intrapiromkul, F Northington, TAGM Huisman, I Izbudak, A Meoded, ...
Journal of Neuroradiology 40 (2), 81-88, 2013
Harnessing real-world data to inform decision-making: Multiple Sclerosis Partners Advancing Technology and Health Solutions (MS PATHS)
EM Mowry, RA Bermel, JR Williams, TLS Benzinger, C De Moor, E Fisher, ...
Frontiers in neurology 11, 632, 2020
White matter impairment in Rett syndrome: diffusion tensor imaging study with clinical correlations
A Mahmood, G Bibat, AL Zhan, I Izbudak, L Farage, A Horska, S Mori, ...
American journal of neuroradiology 31 (2), 295-299, 2010
Magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion-weighted imaging of normal-appearing white matter in children and young adults with tuberous sclerosis complex
S Arulrajah, G Ertan, L Jordan, A Tekes, E Khaykin, I Izbudak, ...
Neuroradiology 51, 781-786, 2009
Feridex-labeled mesenchymal stem cells: cellular differentiation and MR assessment in a canine myocardial infarction model
JWM Bulte, L Kostura, A Mackay, PV Karmarkar, I Izbudak, E Atalar, ...
Academic Radiology 12 (5), S2-S6, 2005
Radiological characteristics of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody disease
S Salama, M Khan, M Levy, I Izbudak
Multiple sclerosis and related disorders 29, 15-22, 2019
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Articles 1–20