Simon Bergweiler
Simon Bergweiler
DFKI GmbH - German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
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SoKNOS–using semantic technologies in disaster management software
G Babitski, S Bergweiler, O Grebner, D Oberle, H Paulheim, F Probst
Extended Semantic Web Conference, 183-197, 2011
A look under the hood: design and development of the first smartweb system demonstrator
N Reithinger, S Bergweiler, R Engel, G Herzog, N Pfleger, M Romanelli, ...
Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Multimodal interfaces …, 2005
Ontology-based integration of sensor web services in disaster management
G Babitski, S Bergweiler, J Hoffmann, D Schön, C Stasch, AC Walkowski
International Conference on GeoSpatial Sematics, 103-121, 2009
Intelligent manufacturing based on self-monitoring cyber-physical systems
S Bergweiler
UBICOMM 2015, 108-113, 2015
Industrial digitalization in the industry 4.0 era: Classification, reuse and authoring of digital models on Digital Twin platforms
V Zambrano, J Mueller-Roemer, M Sandberg, P Talasila, D Zanin, ...
Array 14, 100176, 2022
Integrating a multitouch kiosk system with mobile devices and multimodal interaction
S Bergweiler, M Deru, D Porta
ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, 245-246, 2010
Design and Implementation of Combined Mobile and Touchscreen-based Multimodal Web 3.0 Interfaces.
D Sonntag, M Deru, S Bergweiler
IC-AI, 974-979, 2009
Smart Factory Systems - Fostering Cloud-based Manufacturing based on Self-Monitoring Cyber-Physical Systems
S Bergweiler
International Journal on Advances in Systems and Measurements 9 (vol 9 no 1 …, 2016
IRAR: smart intention recognition and action recommendation for cyber-physical industry environments
J Haupert, S Bergweiler, P Poller, C Hauck
2014 International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE), 124-131, 2014
Building multimodal dialog user interfaces in the context of the internet of services
D Porta, M Deru, S Bergweiler, G Herzog, P Poller
Towards the Internet of Services: The THESEUS Research Program, 145-162, 2014
Fostering access to data collections in the internet of things
A Kröner, J Haupert, C Hauck, M Deru, S Bergweiler
UBICOMM 2013, 65-68, 2013
Smartcase: A smart home environment in a suitcase
J Frey, S Bergweiler, J Alexandersson, E Gholamsaghaee, N Reithinger, ...
2011 Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Environments, 378-381, 2011
Interactive service composition and query
S Bergweiler
Towards the Internet of Services: The THESEUS Research Program, 163-178, 2014
Service and Workflow Engineering based on Semantic Web Technologies
V Gezer, S Bergweiler
UBICOMM 2016, 152-157, 2016
Interoperable data analytics reference architectures empowering digital-twin-aided manufacturing
AC Marosi, M Emodi, Á Hajnal, R Lovas, T Kiss, V Poser, J Antony, ...
Future Internet 14 (4), 114, 2022
A unified approach for semantic-based multimodal interaction
M Löckelt, M Deru, CH Schulz, S Bergweiler, T Becker, N Reithinger
Towards the Internet of Services: The THESEUS Research Program, 131-144, 2014
A Flexible Framework for Adaptive Knowledge Retrieval and Fusion for Kiosk Systems and Mobile Clients
S Bergweiler
UBICOMM 2014, 164-171, 2014
Surfing Google Earth on Wii Fit
M Deru, S Bergweiler
Retrieved, 2009
A Digital Shadow cloud-based application to enhance quality control in manufacturing
A Santolamazza, C Groth, V Introna, S Porziani, F Scarpitta, G Urso, ...
IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 10579-10584, 2020
Enabling data collections for open-loop applications in the internet of things
A Kröner, J Haupert, M Deru, S Bergweiler, C Hauck
International Journal on Advances in Internet Technology 7 (1 & 2), 75-85, 2014
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Articles 1–20