Marco Carletti
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Cited by
Recognition self-awareness for active object recognition on depth images
A Roberti, M Carletti, F Setti, U Castellani, P Fiorini, M Cristani
British Machine Vision Conference, 2018
Active 3d classification of multiple objects in cluttered scenes
Y Wang, M Carletti, F Setti, M Cristani, A Del Bue
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2019
Understanding Deep Architectures by Visual Summaries
M Godi, M Carletti, M Aghaei, F Giuliari, M Cristani
British Machine Vision Conference, 2018
Estimating Body Fat from Depth Images: Hand-Crafted Features vs Convolutional Neural Networks
M Carletti, M Cristani, V Cavedon, C Milanese, C Zancanaro, A Giachetti
3DBODY.TECH Conference & Expo, 2018
Analyzing body fat from depth images
M Carletti, M Cristani, V Cavedon, C Milanese, C Zancanaro, A Giachetti
2018 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 418-425, 2018
A Robust Particle Filtering Approach with Spatially-dependent Template Selection for Medical Ultrasound Tracking Applications.
M Carletti, D Dall'Alba, M Cristani, P Fiorini
VISIGRAPP (3: VISAPP), 524-533, 2016
6d pose estimation for industrial applications
F Cunico, M Carletti, M Cristani, F Masci, D Conigliaro
New Trends in Image Analysis and Processing–ICIAP 2019: ICIAP International …, 2019
Saliency-based approaches for multidimensional explainability of deep networks
M Carletti
Robust 3D pose estimation of a laparoscopic instrument with three landmarks
M Carletti, D Zerbato, A Calanca, P Fiorini
STAG, 7-14, 2015
Multiscale modelling of surfaces by profilometry based on conoscopic holography
C Daffara, F Monti, M Carletti, P Fiorini, R Fontana
2013 Optical Metrology-Technical Summary, 83-83, 2013
Gehler, Peter 484 Giachetti, Andrea 418 Giles, Lee 542 Goldman, Dan 578
VF Abrevaya, S Achar, L Agapito, E Ahmed, SA Ali, T Alldieck, I Alzugaray, ...
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Articles 1–11