Le Zhang
Cited by
Cited by
An evaluation of statistical spam filtering techniques
L Zhang, J Zhu, T Yao
ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing (TALIP) 3 (4), 243-269, 2004
Quantifying atmospheric nitrogen deposition through a nationwide monitoring network across China
W Xu, XS Luo, YP Pan, L Zhang, AH Tang, JL Shen, Y Zhang, KH Li, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15 (21), 12345-12360, 2015
Fast and secure laptop backups with encrypted de-duplication
P Anderson, L Zhang
24th Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA 10), 2010
Neural Network Bottleneck Features for Language Identification.
P Matejka, Le Zhang 0002, T Ng, O Glembek, JZ Ma, B Zhang, SH Mallidi
Odyssey, 2014
Acoustic-articulatory modeling with the trajectory HMM
L Zhang, S Renals
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 15, 245-248, 2008
Score normalization and system combination for improved keyword spotting
D Karakos, R Schwartz, S Tsakalidis, L Zhang, S Ranjan, T Ng, R Hsiao, ...
2013 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, 210-215, 2013
Filtering junk mail with a maximum entropy model
L Zhang, T Yao
Proceeding of 20th international conference on computer processing of …, 2003
Neural-network lexical translation for cross-lingual IR from text and speech
R Zbib, L Zhao, D Karakos, W Hartmann, J DeYoung, Z Huang, Z Jiang, ...
Proceedings of the 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and …, 2019
Real-time ASR from meetings
PN Garner, J Dines, T Hain, A El Hannani, M Karafiat, D Korchagin, ...
Idiap, 2009
Statistical substring reduction in linear time
X Lü, L Zhang, J Hu
Natural Language Processing–IJCNLP 2004: First International Joint …, 2005
Enhancing low resource keyword spotting with automatically retrieved web documents
DK Le Zhang, W Hartmann, R Hsiao, R Schwartz, S Tsakalidis
Sixteenth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication …, 2015
张涛, 庄平, 刘健, 章龙珍, 冯广朋, 侯俊利, 赵峰, 刘鉴毅
生态学杂志 28 (10), 2056, 2009
The 2016 BBN Georgian telephone speech keyword spotting system
T Alumäe, D Karakos, W Hartmann, R Hsiao, L Zhang, L Nguyen, ...
2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2017
The 2013 BBN Vietnamese telephone speech keyword spotting system
S Tsakalidis, R Hsiao, D Karakos, T Ng, S Ranjan, G Saikumar, L Zhang, ...
2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2014
张丽梅, 方萍, 朱日清
应用生态学报, 1650, 2004
张弥, 温学发, 于贵瑞, 张雷明, 伏玉玲, 孙晓敏, 韩士杰
应用生态学报 21 (05), 1201, 2010
Distribution of soil carbon storage in different saltmarsh plant communities in Chongming Dongtan wetland.
Y Ge, GE Zhen-ming, Z Li-quan
Yingyong Shengtai Xuebao 25 (1), 2014
Wind power flow optimization and control system based on rapid energy storage
Y Zhao, H Li, L Zhang, H Zhang
Zhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xuebao(Proceedings of the Chinese Society of …, 2012
A statistical approach to extract chinese chunk candidates from large corpora
L Zhang, X LU, Y Shen, T Yao
Proceeding of 20th International Conference on Computer Processing of …, 2003
Comparison of Multiple System Combination Techniques for Keyword Spotting.
W Hartmann, Le Zhang 0002, K Barnes, R Hsiao, S Tsakalidis, ...
Interspeech, 1913-1917, 2016
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Articles 1–20