Athina Panotopoulou
Athina Panotopoulou
PhD student, Dartmouth College
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Cited by
Perceptual models of preference in 3D printing direction
X Zhang, X Le, A Panotopoulou, E Whiting, CCL Wang
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 34 (6), 1-12, 2015
Printone: interactive resonance simulation for free-form print-wind instrument design
N Umetani, A Panotopoulou, R Schmidt, E Whiting
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 35 (6), 1-14, 2016
Skelneton 2019: Dataset and challenge on deep learning for geometric shape understanding
I Demir, C Hahn, K Leonard, G Morin, D Rahbani, A Panotopoulou, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019
TangibleCircuits: An Interactive 3D Printed Circuit Education Tool for People with Visual Impairments
JU Davis, TY Wu, B Shi, H Lu, A Panotopoulou, E Whiting, XD Yang
Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2020
Tactile line drawings for improved shape understanding in blind and visually impaired users
A Panotopoulou, X Zhang, T Qiu, XD Yang, E Whiting
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 39 (4), 89: 1-89: 13, 2020
Scaffolding a skeleton
A Panotopoulou, E Ross, K Welker, E Hubert, G Morin
Research in Shape Analysis, 17-35, 2018
Watercolor woodblock printing with image analysis
A Panotopoulou, S Paris, E Whiting
Computer Graphics Forum 37 (2), 275-286, 2018
Stylized 2D Fabrication of Non-photorealistic Images
A Panotopoulou
Dartmouth College, 2020
Bounds for Edge-Cover by Random Walks
A Panotopoulou
Supplemental Material: Watercolor woodblock printing with image analysis
A Panotopoulou, S Paris, E Whiting
Printone: Interactive Resonance Simulation for Print-wind Instrument Design
N Umetani, A Panotopoulou, R Schmidt, E Whiting
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Articles 1–11