Jeremy Bryans
Jeremy Bryans
Research Fellow, Coventry University, UK
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Opacity generalised to transition systems
JW Bryans, M Koutny, L Mazaré, PYA Ryan
International Journal of Information Security 7, 421-435, 2008
Modelling opacity using Petri nets
JW Bryans, M Koutny, PYA Ryan
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 121, 101-115, 2005
Reasoning about XACML policies using CSP
J Bryans
Proceedings of the 2005 workshop on Secure web services, 28-35, 2005
A model-based approach for requirements engineering for systems of systems
J Holt, S Perry, R Payne, J Bryans, S Hallerstede, FO Hansen
IEEE Systems Journal 9 (1), 252-262, 2014
Fuzz testing for automotive cyber-security
DS Fowler, J Bryans, SA Shaikh, P Wooderson
2018 48th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems …, 2018
Detection of automotive CAN cyber-attacks by identifying packet timing anomalies in time windows
A Tomlinson, J Bryans, SA Shaikh, HK Kalutarage
2018 48th Annual IEEE/IFIP international conference on dependable systems …, 2018
Building an automotive security assurance case using systematic security evaluations
M Cheah, SA Shaikh, J Bryans, P Wooderson
Computers & Security 77, 360-379, 2018
Towards a testbed for automotive cybersecurity
DS Fowler, M Cheah, SA Shaikh, J Bryans
2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and …, 2017
Towards viable intrusion detection methods for the automotive controller area network
A Tomlinson, J Bryans, SA Shaikh
2nd ACM Computer Science in Cars Symposium, 1-9, 2018
Analysis of a multimedia stream using stochastic process algebra
H Bowman, JW Bryans, J Derrick
The Computer Journal 44 (4), 230-245, 2001
Formal analysis of BPMN models using Event-B
JW Bryans, W Wei
Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems: 15th International Workshop …, 2010
A method for constructing automotive cybersecurity tests, a CAN fuzz testing example
DS Fowler, J Bryans, M Cheah, P Wooderson, SA Shaikh
2019 IEEE 19th international conference on software quality, reliability and …, 2019
Model checking stochastic automata
J Bryans, H Bowman, J Derrick
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL) 4 (4), 452-492, 2003
CSP, PVS, and a recursive authentication protocol
J Bryans, S Schneider
DIMACS workshop on formal verification of security protocols 517, 1997
ProvAbs: Model, Policy, and Tooling for Abstracting PROV Graphs
P Missier, J Bryans, C Gamble, V Curcin, R Danger
Provenance and Annotation of Data and Processes: 5th International …, 2015
Modelling dynamic opacity using petri nets with silent actions
JW Bryans, M Koutny, PYA Ryan
Formal Aspects in Security and Trust: IFIP TC1 WG1. 7 Workshop on Formal …, 2005
SysML contracts for systems of systems
J Bryans, J Fitzgerald, R Payne, A Miyazawa, K Kristensen
2014 9th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SOSE), 73-78, 2014
Formal engineering of XACML access control policies in VDM++
JW Bryans, JS Fitzgerald
International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, 37-56, 2007
A formal model-based approach to engineering systems-of-systems
J Fitzgerald, J Bryans, R Payne
Collaborative Networks in the Internet of Services: 13th IFIP WG 5.5 Working …, 2012
Semi-formal and formal interface specification for system of systems architecture
J Bryans, R Payne, J Holt, S Perry
2013 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon), 612-619, 2013
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Articles 1–20