Hans Skov-Petersen
Hans Skov-Petersen
Professor, Geoinformartics
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Mapping bicyclists’ experiences in Copenhagen
B Snizek, TAS Nielsen, H Skov-Petersen
Journal of Transport Geography 30, 227-233, 2013
Bicyclists’ preferences for route characteristics and crowding in Copenhagen–A choice experiment study of commuters
SE Vedel, JB Jacobsen, H Skov-Petersen
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 100, 53-64, 2017
Environmental correlates of cycling: Evaluating urban form and location effects based on Danish micro-data
TAS Nielsen, AS Olafsson, TA Carstensen, H Skov-Petersen
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 22, 40-44, 2013
Bikeability–Urban structures supporting cycling. Effects of local, urban and regional scale urban form factors on cycling from home and workplace locations in Denmark
TAS Nielsen, H Skov-Petersen
Journal of Transport Geography 69, 36-44, 2018
Identifying key areas of imbalanced supply and demand of ecosystem services at the urban agglomeration scale: A case study of the Fujian Delta in China
R Xin, H Skov-Petersen, J Zeng, J Zhou, K Li, J Hu, X Liu, J Kong, Q Wang
Science of the total environment 791, 148173, 2021
Urban planning practices for bikeable cities–the case of Copenhagen
TAS Nielsen, H Skov-Petersen, T Agervig Carstensen
Urban Research & Practice 6 (1), 110-115, 2013
Towards a sustainable capacity expansion of the Danish biogas sector
M Bojesen, L Boerboom, H Skov-Petersen
Land use policy 42, 264-277, 2015
An ecological perspective for understanding regional integration based on ecosystem service budgets, bundles, and flows: A case study of the Jinan metropolitan area in China
K Li, Y Hou, PS Andersen, R Xin, Y Rong, H Skov-Petersen
Journal of environmental management 305, 114371, 2022
Forest recreation monitoring-a European perspective
T Sievänen, A Arnberger, J Dehez, N Grant, F Jensen, H Skov-Petersen, ...
Finnish Forest Research Institute, 2008
Effects of upgrading to cycle highways-An analysis of demand induction, use patterns and satisfaction before and after
H Skov-Petersen, JB Jacobsen, SE Vedel, SNT Alexander, S Rask
Journal of transport geography 64, 203-210, 2017
Estimation of distance-decay parameters: GIS-based indicators of recreational accessibility.
H Skov-Petersen
ScanGIS, 237-258, 2001
Recreational site choice modelling using high-resolution spatial data
M Termansen, CJ McClean, H Skov-Petersen
Environment and Planning A 36 (6), 1085-1099, 2004
How do cyclists make their way?-A GPS-based revealed preference study in Copenhagen
H Skov-Petersen, B Barkow, T Lundhede, JB Jacobsen
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 32 (7), 1469-1484, 2018
Monitoring, simulation, and management of visitor landscapes
HR Gimblett, H Skov-Peterson
University of Arizona Press, 2008
Establishment and clonal spread of the alien shrub Rosa rugosa in coastal dunes—a method for reconstructing and predicting invasion patterns
J Kollmann, RH Jørgensen, J Roelsgaard, H Skov-Petersen
Landscape and Urban Planning 93 (3-4), 194-200, 2009
Areal informations systemet-AIS
K Nielsen, M Stjernholm, BØ Olsen, DI Müller-Wohlfeil, IL Madsen, ...
Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser, Aarhus Universitet, 2000
Identifying the potential areas of afforestation projects using cost-benefit analysis based on ecosystem services and farmland suitability: A case study of the Grain for Green …
K Li, Y Hou, PS Andersen, R Xin, Y Rong, H Skov-Petersen
Science of the Total Environment 787, 147542, 2021
The use of GIS-based support of recreational trail planning by local governments
AS Olafsson, H Skov-Petersen
Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy 7, 149-168, 2014
Thermal imaging systems for real-time applications in smart cities
R Gade, TB Moeslund, SZ Nielsen, H Skov-Petersen, HJ Andersen, ...
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 53 (4), 291-308, 2016
Kävijäseuranta luontoalueilla: Pohjoismaiden ja Baltian maiden kokemuksiin perustuva opas
L Kajala, A Almik, J Erkkonen, P Fredman, F Jensen, K K Søndergaard, ...
Nordisk ministerråd, 2009
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Articles 1–20