Kamrun Naher Keya
Kamrun Naher Keya
Ph.D. Student, UMBC
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Cited by
An intersectional definition of fairness
JR Foulds, R Islam, KN Keya, S Pan
2020 IEEE 36th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 1918-1921, 2020
Debiasing career recommendations with neural fair collaborative filtering
R Islam, KN Keya, Z Zeng, S Pan, J Foulds
Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021, 3779-3790, 2021
Bayesian Modeling of Intersectional Fairness: The Variance of Bias∗
JR Foulds, R Islam, KN Keya, S Pan
Proceedings of the 2020 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 424-432, 2020
Fair representation learning for heterogeneous information networks
Z Zeng, R Islam, KN Keya, J Foulds, Y Song, S Pan
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 15 …, 2021
Equitable allocation of healthcare resources with fair survival models
KN Keya, R Islam, S Pan, I Stockwell, J Foulds
Proceedings of the 2021 siam international conference on data mining (sdm …, 2021
Do humans prefer debiased AI algorithms? A case study in career recommendation
C Wang, K Wang, A Bian, R Islam, KN Keya, J Foulds, S Pan
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Intelligent User …, 2022
Mitigating demographic biases in social media-based recommender systems
R Islam, KN Keya, S Pan, J Foulds
KDD (Social Impact Track), 2019
Differential fairness: an intersectional framework for fair AI
R Islam, KN Keya, S Pan, AD Sarwate, JR Foulds
Entropy 25 (4), 660, 2023
User acceptance of gender stereotypes in automated career recommendations
C Wang, K Wang, A Bian, R Islam, KN Keya, J Foulds, S Pan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.07112, 2021
Equitable allocation of healthcare resources with fair cox models
KN Keya, R Islam, S Pan, I Stockwell, JR Foulds
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.06820, 2020
Neural embedding allocation: Distributed representations of topic models
KN Keya, Y Papanikolaou, JR Foulds
Computational Linguistics 48 (4), 1021-1052, 2022
Bias: Friend or foe? user acceptance of gender stereotypes in automated career recommendations
C Wang, K Wang, A Bian, R Islam, KN Keya, JR Foulds, S Pan
CoRR, 2021
Differential fairness
JR Foulds, R Islam, KN Keya, S Pan
NeurIPS 2019 Workshop on Machine Learning with Guarantees, 2019
When Biased Humans Meet Debiased AI: A Case Study in College Major Recommendation
C Wang, K Wang, AY Bian, R Islam, KN Keya, J Foulds, S Pan
ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems 13 (3), 1-28, 2023
Neural fair collaborative filtering
R Islam, KN Keya, Z Zeng, S Pan, J Foulds
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.08955, 2020
A User Study on a De-Biased Career Recommender System
C Wang, K Wang, A Bian, R Islam, KN Keya, JR Foulds, S Pan
Neural embedding allocation: Distributed representations of words, topics, and documents
KN Keya, J Foulds
Mid-Atlantic Student Colloquium on Speech, Language and Learning, 2018
Bayesian Modeling of Intersectional Fairness: The Variance of Bias (Supplementary Material)
JR Foulds, R Islam, KN Keya, S Pan
Differential Fairness for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Systems: Unbiased Decisions with Biased Data
J Foulds, R Islam, K Keya, S Pan
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Articles 1–19