Azreen Azman
Cited by
Cited by
Detecting deceptive reviews using lexical and syntactic features
S Shojaee, MAA Murad, AB Azman, NM Sharef, S Nadali
2013 13th International Conference on Intellient Systems Design and …, 2013
Multi-level basis selection of wavelet packet decomposition tree for heart sound classification
F Safara, S Doraisamy, A Azman, A Jantan, ARA Ramaiah
Computers in biology and medicine 43 (10), 1407-1414, 2013
An evaluation of factors affecting brand awareness in the context of social media in Malaysia
S Shojaee, AB Azman
Asian social science 9 (17), 72, 2013
Sequence to sequence model performance for education chatbot
K Palasundram, NM Sharef, N Nasharuddin, K Kasmiran, A Azman
International journal of emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 14 (24), 56-68, 2019
Quranic verse extraction base on concepts using OWL-DL ontology
AR Yauri, RA Kadir, A Azman, MAA Murad
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 6 (23 …, 2013
Effective method for sentiment lexical dictionary enrichment based on Word2Vec for sentiment analysis
EM Alshari, A Azman, S Doraisamy, N Mustapha, M Alkeshr
2018 fourth international conference on information retrieval and knowledge …, 2018
Wavelet packet entropy for heart murmurs classification
F Safara, S Doraisamy, A Azman, A Jantan, S Ranga
Advances in bioinformatics 2012 (1), 327269, 2012
Improvement of sentiment analysis based on clustering of Word2Vec features
EM Alshari, A Azman, S Doraisamy, N Mustapha, M Alkeshr
2017 28th international workshop on database and expert systems applications …, 2017
Artificial intelligence in diagnosing tuberculosis: a review
SS Meraj, R Yaakob, A Azman, SNM Rum, ASA Nazri
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information …, 2019
Detection of pulmonary tuberculosis manifestation in chest X-rays using different convolutional neural network (CNN) models
SS Meraj, R Yaakob, A Azman, SN Rum, A Shahrel, A Nazri, NF Zakaria
Int. J. Eng. Adv. Technol.(IJEAT) 9 (1), 2270-2275, 2019
Aspect extraction performance with pos tag pattern of dependency relation in aspect-based sentiment analysis
AS Shafie, NM Sharef, MAA Murad, A Azman
2018 Fourth International Conference on Information Retrieval and Knowledge …, 2018
A framework for fake review annotation
S Shojaee, A Azman, M Murad, N Sharef, N Sulaiman
Proceedings of the 2015 17th UKSIM-AMSS International Conference on …, 2015
Quranic-based concepts: Verse relations extraction using Manchester OWL syntax
AR Yauri, RA Kadir, A Azman, MAA Murad
2012 International Conference on Information Retrieval & Knowledge …, 2012
An integrated method of associative classification and neuro-fuzzy approach for effective mammographic classification
NF Abubacker, A Azman, S Doraisamy, MAA Murad
Neural Computing and Applications 28, 3967-3980, 2017
Performance analysis of routing protocol for WSN using data centric approach
AH Azni, MM Saudi, A Azman, AS Johari
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 53, 2009
Query translation using concepts similarity based on Quran ontology for cross-language information retrieval
Z Yahya, MT Abdullah, A Azman, RA Kadir
Journal of Computer Science 9 (7), 889, 2013
Ontology semantic approach to extraction of knowledge from Holy Quran
AR Yauri, RA Kadir, A Azman, MAA Murad
2013 5th International Conference on Computer Science and Information …, 2013
Enhancements to the sequence-to-sequence-based natural answer generation models
K Palasundram, NM Sharef, KA Kasmiran, A Azman
IEEE Access 8, 45738-45752, 2020
A review of methods for mining idea from text
MA Alksher, A Azman, R Yaakob, RA Kadir, A Mohamed, EM Alshari
2016 Third International Conference on Information Retrieval and Knowledge …, 2016
Prediction of rating from comments based on information retrieval and sentiment analysis
EM Alshari, A Azman, N Mustapha, SC Doraisamy, M Alksher
2016 Third International Conference on Information Retrieval and Knowledge …, 2016
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Articles 1–20