Peter Lenk
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Cited by
Hierarchical Bayes conjoint analysis: Recovery of partworth heterogeneity from reduced experimental designs
PJ Lenk, WS DeSarbo, PE Green, MR Young
Marketing Science 15 (2), 173-191, 1996
Behavioral complexity in leadership: The psychometric properties of a new instrument to measure behavioral repertoire
KA Lawrence, P Lenk, RE Quinn
The Leadership Quarterly 20 (2), 87-102, 2009
Modeling household purchase behavior with logistic normal regression
GM Allenby, PJ Lenk
Journal of the American Statistical Association 89 (428), 1218-1231, 1994
Brand extension strategy planning: Empirical estimation of brand–category personality fit and atypicality
R Batra, P Lenk, M Wedel
Journal of marketing research 47 (2), 335-347, 2010
Bayesian inference for finite mixtures of generalized linear models with random effects
PJ Lenk, WS DeSarbo
Psychometrika 65 (1), 93-119, 2000
New models from old: Forecasting product adoption by hierarchical Bayes procedures
PJ Lenk, AG Rao
Marketing Science 9 (1), 42-53, 1990
Reassessing brand loyalty, price sensitivity, and merchandising effects on consumer brand choice
GM Allenby, PJ Lenk
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 13 (3), 281-289, 1995
The logistic normal distribution for Bayesian, nonparametric, predictive densities
PJ Lenk
Journal of the American Statistical Association 83 (402), 509-516, 1988
Discrete and continuous representations of unobserved heterogeneity in choice modeling
M Wedel, W Kamakura, N Arora, A Bemmaor, J Chiang, T Elrod, ...
Marketing Letters 10, 219-232, 1999
Towards a practicable Bayesian nonparametric density estimator
PJ Lenk
Biometrika 78 (3), 531-543, 1991
Adjusting choice models to better predict market behavior
G Allenby, G Fennell, J Huber, T Eagle, T Gilbride, D Horsky, J Kim, ...
Marketing Letters 16, 197-208, 2005
Inferring market structure from customer response to competing and complementary products
T Elrod, GJ Russell, AD Shocker, RL Andrews, L Bacon, BL Bayus, ...
Marketing Letters 13, 221-232, 2002
Representing heterogeneity in consumer response models 1996 choice conference participants
W DeSarbo, A Ansari, P Chintagunta, C Himmelberg, K Jedidi, R Johnson, ...
Marketing letters 8, 335-348, 1997
Bayesian inference for issuer heterogeneity in credit ratings migration
A Kadam, P Lenk
Journal of Banking & Finance 32 (10), 2267-2274, 2008
Simulation pseudo-bias correction to the harmonic mean estimator of integrated likelihoods
P Lenk
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 18 (4), 941-960, 2009
Challenges and opportunities in high-dimensional choice data analyses
P Naik, M Wedel, L Bacon, A Bodapati, E Bradlow, W Kamakura, ...
Marketing Letters 19, 201-213, 2008
Bayesian inference for semiparametric regression using a Fourier representation
PJ Lenk
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology …, 1999
A utility theoretic examination of the probability ranking principle in information retrieval
MD Gordon, P Lenk
Journal of the American Society for Information Science 42 (10), 703-714, 1991
The right metrics for marketing-mix decisions
O Mintz, TJ Gilbride, P Lenk, IS Currim
International Journal of Research in Marketing 38 (1), 32-49, 2021
Separating brand from category personality
R Batra, P Lenk, M Wedel
University of Michigan. Working Paper. http://webuser. bus. umich. edu/plenk …, 2006
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