Carlos G. Dávila
Carlos G. Dávila
NASA Langley Research Center
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An engineering solution for mesh size effects in the simulation of delamination using cohesive zone models
A Turon, CG Dávila, PP Camanho, J Costa
Engineering fracture mechanics 74 (10), 1665-1682, 2007
Numerical simulation of mixed-mode progressive delamination in composite materials
PP Camanho, CG Dávila, MF De Moura
Journal of composite materials 37 (16), 1415-1438, 2003
Mixed-mode decohesion finite elements for the simulation of delamination in composite materials
PP Camanho, CG Dávila
A damage model for the simulation of delamination in advanced composites under variable-mode loading
A Turon, PP Camanho, J Costa, CG Dávila
Mechanics of materials 38 (11), 1072-1089, 2006
A continuum damage model for composite laminates: Part I–Constitutive model
P Maimí, PP Camanho, JA Mayugo, CG Dávila
Mechanics of materials 39 (10), 897-908, 2007
A continuum damage model for composite laminates: Part II–Computational implementation and validation
P Maimí, PP Camanho, JA Mayugo, CG Dávila
Mechanics of materials 39 (10), 909-919, 2007
Failure criteria for FRP laminates
CG Dávila, PP Camanho, CA Rose
Journal of Composite materials 39 (4), 323-345, 2005
Prediction of size effects in notched laminates using continuum damage mechanics
PP Camanho, P Maimí, CG Dávila
Composites science and technology 67 (13), 2715-2727, 2007
Failure models and criteria for FRP under in-plane or three-dimensional stress states including shear non-linearity
ST Pinho, CG Dávila, PP Camanho, L Iannucci, P Robinson
Prediction of in situ strengths and matrix cracking in composites under transverse tension and in-plane shear
PP Camanho, CG Dávila, ST Pinho, L Iannucci, P Robinson
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 37 (2), 165-176, 2006
Simulation of delamination in composites under high-cycle fatigue
A Turon, J Costa, PP Camanho, CG Dávila
Composites Part A: applied science and manufacturing 38 (11), 2270-2282, 2007
Failure criteria for FRP laminates in plane stress
CG Dávila, N Jaunky, S Goswami
44th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials …, 2003
A procedure for superposing linear cohesive laws to represent multiple damage mechanisms in the fracture of composites
CG Dávila, CA Rose, PP Camanho
International Journal of Fracture 158, 211-223, 2009
Mesh‐independent matrix cracking and delamination modeling in laminated composites
EV Iarve, MR Gurvich, DH Mollenhauer, CA Rose, CG Dávila
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 88 (8), 749-773, 2011
Mixed-mode decohesion elements for analyses of progressive delamination
CG Dávila, P Camanho, M de Moura
19th AIAA applied aerodynamics conference, 1486, 2001
Measurement of resistance curves in the longitudinal failure of composites using digital image correlation
G Catalanotti, PP Camanho, J Xavier, CG Dávila, AT Marques
Composites Science and Technology 70 (13), 1986-1993, 2010
Irreversible constitutive law for modeling the delamination process using interfacial surface discontinuities
VK Goyal, ER Johnson, CG Dávila
Composite Structures 65 (3-4), 289-305, 2004
Numerical simulation of delamination growth in composite materials
PP Camanho, CG Dávila, DR Ambur
NASA Langley Research Center, 2001
Guidelines and parameter selection for the simulation of progressive delamination
K Song, CG Dávila, CA Rose
2008 ABAQUS User''s Conference, 2008
A thermodynamically consistent damage model for advanced composites
P Maimí, PP Camanho, JA Mayugo, CG Dávila
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Articles 1–20