Giuseppina GIANFREDA
Giuseppina GIANFREDA
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Cited by
Market access, organic farming and productivity: the effects of Fair Trade affiliation on Thai farmer producer groups
L Becchetti, P Conzo, G Gianfreda
Australian journal of agricultural and resource economics 56 (1), 117-140, 2012
Institutions’ and firms’ adjustments: Measuring the impact of courts’ delays on job flows and productivity
G Gianfreda, G Vallanti
The Journal of Law and Economics 60 (1), 135-172, 2017
Informality, regulation and productivity: do small firms escape EPL through shadow employment?
G Vallanti, G Gianfreda
Small Business Economics 57 (3), 1383-1412, 2021
Market access, organic farming and productivity: the determinants of creation of economic value on a sample of Fair Trade affiliated Thai farmers
L Becchetti, P Conzo, G Gianfreda
Econometrica Working Paper Series, 2009
Labor Courts and Firing Costs: The Labor‐Market Effects of Trial Delays
G Gianfreda, G Vallanti
Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 59 (1), 40-84, 2020
Labour court delays and the composition of employment: is labour encouraged or endangered by institutions?
G Gianfreda, G Vallanti
LUISS Working Paper LuissLab No 15121, Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza, 2013
Le banche di emissione in Italia tra il 1861 e il 1893: un caso di concorrenza?
G Gianfreda, N Janson
Rivista di politica economica 91 (1), 15-74, 2001
Human resource management and productivity in the “trust game corporation”
L Becchetti, G Gianfreda, N Pace
International review of economics 59, 3-20, 2012
Adverse clearings in a monetary system with multiple note issuers: the case of Italy (1861–1893)
G Gianfreda, F Mattesini
Cliometrica 9, 1-25, 2015
Contagious “social market enterprises”: the role of Fair Traders
L Becchetti, G Gianfreda
Firms’ Objectives and Internal Organisation in a Global Economy: Positive …, 2007
Pubblicità e teorie economiche
G Gianfreda
Rubbettino, 1995
The impact of intellectual property rights on labor productivity: do constitutions matter?
E Carbonara, G Gianfreda, E Santarelli, G Vallanti
Industrial and corporate change 30 (4), 884-904, 2021
Courts’ inefficiency and irregular workers: identifying the impact of real EPL
G Gianfreda, G Vallanti
Working Papers LuissLab, 2013
When consumption heals producers: the effect of fair trade on marginalised producers’ health and productivity
L Becchetti, G Gianfreda
ECINEQ, Society for the Study of Economic Inequality Working Papers, 2008
Does consumption heal producers? The effect of fair trade on marginalised producers' health in Kenya
L Becchetti, G Gianfreda
Cahiers Agricultures 19, 23-27, 2010
Vertical integration
G Gianfreda
Springer, 2017
L'impact du commerce bio-équitable sur la santé des producteurs marginalisés au Kenya
L Becchetti, G Gianfreda
Cahiers Agricultures 19, 23-27 (1), 2010
Consumer driven market mechanisms to promote equity and inclusion
L Becchetti, G Gianfreda
Tor Vergata University, CEIS, 2007
Migration and natives' inequality: Evidence from Italian local labor markets
G Gianfreda, G Vallanti
Journal of Regional Science, 2024
Tax evasion and productivity: Do firms escape EPL through informality
G Gianfreda, G Vallanti
Evidence from a regression discontinuity design, 2017
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Articles 1–20