Anthony Saunders
Anthony Saunders
NYU Stern School of Business
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Financial institutions management: A risk management approach
A Saunders, MM Cornett, O Erhemjamts
McGraw-Hill, 2021
Credit risk measurement: Developments over the last 20 years
EI Altman, A Saunders
Journal of banking & finance 21 (11-12), 1721-1742, 1997
Ownership structure, deregulation, and bank risk taking
A Saunders, E Strock, NG Travlos
the Journal of Finance 45 (2), 643-654, 1990
The determinants of bank interest margins: theory and empirical evidence
TSY Ho, A Saunders
Journal of Financial and Quantitative analysis 16 (4), 581-600, 1981
Lending relationships and loan contract terms
ST Bharath, S Dahiya, A Saunders, A Srinivasan
The Review of Financial Studies 24 (4), 1141-1203, 2011
The effects of bank mergers and acquisitions on small business lending
AN Berger, A Saunders, JM Scalise, GF Udell
Journal of financial Economics 50 (2), 187-229, 1998
The impact of institutional ownership on corporate operating performance
MM Cornett, AJ Marcus, A Saunders, H Tehranian
Journal of banking & finance 31 (6), 1771-1794, 2007
Credit risk measurement: new approaches to value at risk and other paradigms
A Saunders, L Allen
John Wiley & Sons, 2002
The determinants of bank interest rate margins: an international study
A Saunders, L Schumacher
Journal of international Money and Finance 19 (6), 813-832, 2000
Should banks be diversified? Evidence from individual bank loan portfolios
VV Acharya, I Hasan, A Saunders
The Journal of Business 79 (3), 1355-1412, 2006
So what do I get? The bank's view of lending relationships
S Bharath, S Dahiya, A Saunders, A Srinivasan
Journal of financial Economics 85 (2), 368-419, 2007
Universal Banking in the United States: What Could We Gain? What Could We Lose?
A Saunders
Oxford University Press, 1994
Financial markets and institutions
A Saunders, MM Cornett, O Erhemjamts
McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2012
A theory of bank regulation and management compensation
K John, A Saunders, LW Senbet
The Review of Financial Studies 13 (1), 95-125, 2000
The costs of being private: Evidence from the loan market
A Saunders, S Steffen
The Review of Financial Studies 24 (12), 4091-4122, 2011
Bank underwriting of debt securities: Modern evidence
A Gande, M Puri, A Saunders, I Walter
The Review of Financial Studies 10 (4), 1175-1202, 1997
The total cost of corporate borrowing in the loan market: Don't ignore the fees
T Berg, A Saunders, S Steffen
The Journal of Finance 71 (3), 1357-1392, 2016
The effects of cross-border bank mergers on bank risk and value
Y Amihud, GL DeLong, A Saunders
Journal of International Money and Finance 21 (6), 857-877, 2002
Bank entry, competition, and the market for corporate securities underwriting
A Gande, M Puri, A Saunders
Journal of Financial Economics 54 (2), 165-195, 1999
Issues in the credit risk modeling of retail markets
L Allen, G DeLong, A Saunders
Journal of Banking & Finance 28 (4), 727-752, 2004
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Articles 1–20