harm hinrich rotermund
harm hinrich rotermund
Professor Emeritus, Physics and Atmospheric Science, Dalhousie University
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Spatiotemporal concentration patterns in a surface reaction: Propagating and standing waves, rotating spirals, and turbulence
S Jakubith, HH Rotermund, W Engel, A Von Oertzen, G Ertl
Physical Review Letters 65 (24), 3013, 1990
Controlling chemical turbulence by global delayed feedback: pattern formation in catalytic CO oxidation on Pt (110)
M Kim, M Bertram, M Pollmann, A Oertzen, AS Mikhailov, HH Rotermund, ...
Science 292 (5520), 1357-1360, 2001
Reaction diffusion patterns in the catalytic CO‐oxidation on Pt (110): front propagation and spiral waves
S Nettesheim, A Von Oertzen, HH Rotermund, G Ertl
The Journal of chemical physics 98 (12), 9977-9985, 1993
Sudden onset of pitting corrosion on stainless steel as a critical phenomenon
C Punckt, M Bolscher, HH Rotermund, AS Mikhailov, L Organ, ...
Science 305 (5687), 1133-1136, 2004
Imaging of spatio-temporal pattern evolution during carbon monoxide oxidation on platinum
HH Rotermund, W Engel, M Kordesch, G Ertl
Nature 343 (6256), 355-357, 1990
A UHV-compatible photoelectron emission microscope for applications in surface science
W Engel, ME Kordesch, HH Rotermund, S Kubala, A Von Oertzen
Ultramicroscopy 36 (1-3), 148-153, 1991
Solitons in a surface reaction
HH Rotermund, S Jakubith, A Von Oertzen, G Ertl
Physical review letters 66 (23), 3083, 1991
Imaging of dynamic processes on surfaces by light
HH Rotermund
Surface Science Reports 29 (7-8), 265-364, 1997
Coupling between adjacent crystal planes in heterogeneous catalysis by propagating reaction–diffusion waves
V Gorodetskii, J Lauterbach, HH Rotermund, JH Block, G Ertl
Nature 370 (6487), 276-279, 1994
Effects of boundaries on pattern formation: Catalytic oxidation of CO on platinum
MD Graham, IG Kevrekidis, K Asakura, J Lauterbach, K Krischer, ...
Science 264 (5155), 80-82, 1994
Orientation of arachidate chains in Langmuir-Blodgett monolayers on Si (111)
DA Outka, J Stöhr, J Rabe, JD Swalen, HH Rotermund
Physical review letters 59 (12), 1321, 1987
Pattern formation on the edge of chaos: Experiments with CO oxidation on a Pt (110) surface under global delayed feedback
M Bertram, C Beta, M Pollmann, AS Mikhailov, HH Rotermund, G Ertl
Physical Review E 67 (3), 036208, 2003
Spatiotemporal addressing of surface activity
J Wolff, AG Papathanasiou, IG Kevrekidis, HH Rotermund, G Ertl
Science 294 (5540), 134-137, 2001
Imaging pattern formation in surface reactions from ultrahigh vacuum up to atmospheric pressures
HH Rotermund, G Haas, RU Franz, RM Tromp, G Ertl
Science 270 (5236), 608-610, 1995
NEXAFS studies of complex alcohols and carboxylic acids on the Si (111)(7× 7) surface
DA Outka, J Stöhr, RJ Madix, HH Rotermund, B Hermsmeier, J Solomon
Surface science 185 (1-2), 53-74, 1987
Solitary-wave phenomena in an excitable surface reaction
M Bär, M Eiswirth, HH Rotermund, G Ertl
Physical review letters 69 (6), 945, 1992
Standing Wave Patterns in the CO Oxidation Reaction on a Pt(110) Surface:  Experiments and Modeling
A von Oertzen, HH Rotermund, AS Mikhailov, G Ertl
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 104 (14), 3155-3178, 2000
Subsurface oxygen in the CO oxidation reaction on Pt (110): Experiments and modeling of pattern formation
A von Oertzen, AS Mikhailov, HH Rotermund, G Ertl
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 102 (25), 4966-4981, 1998
Structural determination of an adsorbate-induced surface reconstruction: p 4 g (2× 2) N versus c (2× 2) O on Ni (100)
L Wenzel, D Arvanitis, W Daum, HH Rotermund, J Stöhr, K Baberschke, ...
Physical Review B 36 (14), 7689, 1987
The formation of subsurface oxygen on Pt (100)
HH Rotermund, J Lauterbach, G Haas
Applied Physics A 57, 507-511, 1993
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Articles 1–20