Andy Parton
Andy Parton
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Hemispatial neglect
A Parton, P Malhotra, M Husain
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 75 (1), 13-21, 2004
Volition and conflict in human medial frontal cortex
P Nachev, G Rees, A Parton, C Kennard, M Husain
Current Biology 15 (2), 122-128, 2005
Spatial working memory capacity in unilateral neglect
P Malhotra, HR Jäger, A Parton, R Greenwood, ED Playford, MM Brown, ...
Brain 128 (2), 424-435, 2005
Noradrenergic modulation of space exploration in visual neglect
PA Malhotra, AD Parton, R Greenwood, M Husain
Annals of neurology 59 (1), 186-190, 2006
Visual neglect after right posterior cerebral artery infarction
CM Bird, P Malhotra, A Parton, E Coulthard, MFS Rushworth, M Husain
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 77 (9), 1008-1012, 2006
Gamma flicker triggers attentional selection without awareness
F Bauer, SW Cheadle, A Parton, HJ Müller, M Usher
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (5), 1666-1671, 2009
The task-dependent use of binocular disparity and motion parallax information
MF Bradshaw, AD Parton, A Glennerster
Vision research 40 (27), 3725-3734, 2000
Self-control during response conflict by human supplementary eye field
M Husain, A Parton, TL Hodgson, D Mort, G Rees
Nature neuroscience 6 (2), 117-118, 2003
Role of the human supplementary eye field in the control of saccadic eye movements
A Parton, P Nachev, TL Hodgson, D Mort, D Thomas, R Ordidge, ...
Neuropsychologia 45 (5), 997-1008, 2007
Action control in visual neglect
E Coulthard, A Parton, M Husain
Neuropsychologia 44 (13), 2717-2733, 2006
Neuropharmacological modulation of cognitive deficits after brain damage
A Parton, E Coulthard, M Husain
Current Opinion in Neurology 18 (6), 675-680, 2005
Space re-exploration in hemispatial neglect
A Parton, P Malhotra, P Nachev, D Ames, J Ball, J Chataway, M Husain
Neuroreport 17 (8), 833-836, 2006
The interaction of binocular disparity and motion parallax in determining perceived depth and perceived size
MF Bradshaw, AD Parton, RA Eagle
Perception 27 (11), 1317-1331, 1998
Hemispheric lateralisation and immune function: A systematic review of human research
RC Sumner, A Parton, AV Nowicky, U Kishore, Y Gidron
Journal of Neuroimmunology 240, 1-12, 2011
Surface orientation, modulation frequency and the detection and perception of depth defined by binocular disparity and motion parallax
MF Bradshaw, PB Hibbard, AD Parton, D Rose, K Langley
Vision Research 46 (17), 2636-2644, 2006
Levodopa medication improves incidental sequence learning in Parkinson's disease
M Beigi, L Wilkinson, F Gobet, A Parton, M Jahanshahi
Neuropsychologia 93, 53-60, 2016
Neuroticism related differences in the functional neuroanatomical correlates of multitasking. An fMRI study
AJ Szameitat, R Saylik, A Parton
Neuroscience letters 635, 51-55, 2016
Randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study of single-dose guanfacine in unilateral neglect following stroke
ES Dalmaijer, KMS Li, N Gorgoraptis, AP Leff, DL Cohen, AD Parton, ...
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 89 (6), 593-598, 2018
Cognitive processes in saccade generation
C Kennard, SK Mannan, P Nachev, A Parton, DJ Mort, G Rees, ...
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1039 (1), 176-183, 2005
The modular architecture of the neglect syndrome: Implications for action control in visual neglect
E Coulthard, A Parton, M Husain
Neuropsychologia 45 (8), 1982-1984, 2007
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Articles 1–20