Patrick Albert
Patrick Albert
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Configuration based workflow composition
P Albert, L Henocque, M Kleiner
IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'05), 285-292, 2005
Parsing SBVR-based controlled languages
M Kleiner, P Albert, J Bézivin
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: 12th International …, 2009
A model driven reverse engineering framework for extracting business rules out of a java application
V Cosentino, J Cabot, P Albert, P Bauquel, J Perronnet
International Workshop on Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic …, 2012
A constrained object model for configuration based workflow composition
P Albert, L Henocque, M Kleiner
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2005 International Workshops, BPI …, 2006
An ACO-based reactive framework for ant colony optimization: First experiments on constraint satisfaction problems
M Khichane, P Albert, C Solnon
International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization, 119-133, 2009
Integration of ACO in a constraint programming language
M Khichane, P Albert, C Solnon
International Conference on Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence …, 2008
Model search: Formalizing and automating constraint solving in MDE platforms
M Kleiner, MD Del Fabro, P Albert
European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications, 173-188, 2010
Strong combination of ant colony optimization with constraint programming optimization
M Khichane, P Albert, C Solnon
International Conference on Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and …, 2010
Extracting business rules from COBOL: A model-based framework
V Cosentino, J Cabot, P Albert, P Bauquel, J Perronnet
2013 20th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE), 409-416, 2013
PECOS: programmation par contraintes orientée objets
JF Puget, P Albert
Génie logiciel et systèmes experts 23, 1991
Achieving rule interoperability using chains of model transformations
MD Del Fabro, P Albert, J Bézivin, F Jouault
International Conference on Theory and Practice of Model Transformations …, 2009
Cp with aco
M Khichane, P Albert, C Solnon
International Conference on Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and …, 2008
ILog Rules, embedding rules in C++: Results and limits
P Albert
EOOPS94, 1994
KOD-STATION un environnement intégré pour le génie cognitif
P Albert, C Vogel
Génie logiciel et systèmes experts 19, 28-30, 1989
Knowledge level model of a configurable learning system
C Rouveirol, P Albert
A Future for Knowledge Acquisition: 8th European Knowledge Acquisition …, 1994
Authoring business rules grounded in owl ontologies
A Chniti, S Dehors, P Albert, J Charlet
Semantic Web Rules: International Symposium, RuleML 2010, Washington, DC …, 2010
Extracting business rules from COBOL: A model-based tool
V Cosentino, J Cabot, P Albert, P Bauquel, J Perronnet
2013 20th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE), 483-484, 2013
Industrial-strength Rule Interoperability using Model Driven Engineering
MD Del Fabro, P Albert, J Bézivin, F Jouault
INRIA, 2008
Gestion de la cohérence des règles métier éditées à partir d'ontologies OWL
A Chniti, P Albert, J Charlet
IC 2011, 22èmes Journées francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances, 589-606, 2012
An MDE-based approach for solving configuration problems: An application to the Eclipse platform
G Doux, P Albert, G Barbier, J Cabot, MD Del Fabro, SUJ Lee
Modelling Foundations and Applications: 7th European Conference, ECMFA 2011 …, 2011
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Articles 1–20