Yang (Veronica) Liu
Yang (Veronica) Liu
Associate Professor at Tsinghua University
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Cited by
Federated machine learning: Concept and applications
Q Yang, Y Liu, T Chen, Y Tong
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 10 (2), 1-19, 2019
Advances and open problems in federated learning
P Kairouz, HB McMahan, B Avent, A Bellet, M Bennis, AN Bhagoji, ...
Foundations and trendsŪ in machine learning 14 (1–2), 1-210, 2021
{BatchCrypt}: Efficient homomorphic encryption for {Cross-Silo} federated learning
C Zhang, S Li, J Xia, W Wang, F Yan, Y Liu
2020 USENIX annual technical conference (USENIX ATC 20), 493-506, 2020
Secureboost: A lossless federated learning framework
K Cheng, T Fan, Y Jin, Y Liu, T Chen, D Papadopoulos, Q Yang
IEEE intelligent systems 36 (6), 87-98, 2021
A secure federated transfer learning framework
Y Liu, Y Kang, C Xing, T Chen, Q Yang
IEEE Intelligent Systems 35 (4), 70-82, 2020
Metastable liquid–liquid transition in a molecular model of water
JC Palmer, F Martelli, Y Liu, R Car, AZ Panagiotopoulos, PG Debenedetti
Nature 510 (7505), 385-388, 2014
Fedml: A research library and benchmark for federated machine learning
C He, S Li, J So, X Zeng, M Zhang, H Wang, X Wang, P Vepakomma, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.13518, 2020
Fedvision: An online visual object detection platform powered by federated learning
Y Liu, A Huang, Y Luo, H Huang, Y Liu, Y Chen, L Feng, T Chen, H Yu, ...
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 34 (08), 13172 …, 2020
Fedpd: A federated learning framework with adaptivity to non-iid data
X Zhang, M Hong, S Dhople, W Yin, Y Liu
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 69, 6055-6070, 2021
Learning to detect malicious clients for robust federated learning
S Li, Y Cheng, W Wang, Y Liu, T Chen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.00211, 2020
A fairness-aware incentive scheme for federated learning
H Yu, Z Liu, Y Liu, T Chen, M Cong, X Weng, D Niyato, Q Yang
Proceedings of the AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, 393-399, 2020
FedBCD: A communication-efficient collaborative learning framework for distributed features
Y Liu, X Zhang, Y Kang, L Li, T Chen, M Hong, Q Yang
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 70, 4277-4290, 2022
Fate: An industrial grade platform for collaborative learning with data protection
Y Liu, T Fan, T Chen, Q Xu, Q Yang
Journal of Machine Learning Research 22 (226), 1-6, 2021
Vertical federated learning: Concepts, advances, and challenges
Y Liu, Y Kang, T Zou, Y Pu, Y He, X Ye, Y Ouyang, YQ Zhang, Q Yang
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2024
Abnormal client behavior detection in federated learning
S Li, Y Cheng, Y Liu, W Wang, T Chen
FL-NeurIPS'19, 2019
Liquid-liquid transition in ST2 water
Y Liu, JC Palmer, AZ Panagiotopoulos, PG Debenedetti
The Journal of Chemical Physics 137 (21), 214505-214505-10, 2012
Low-temperature fluid-phase behavior of ST2 water
Y Liu, AZ Panagiotopoulos, PG Debenedetti
The Journal of Chemical Physics 131 (10), 2009
Federated learning for privacy-preserving AI
Y Cheng, Y Liu, T Chen, Q Yang
Communications of the ACM 63 (12), 33-36, 2020
Federated transfer learning for EEG signal classification
C Ju, D Gao, R Mane, B Tan, Y Liu, C Guan
2020 42nd annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in …, 2020
Federated transfer reinforcement learning for autonomous driving
X Liang, Y Liu, T Chen, M Liu, Q Yang
Federated and Transfer Learning, 357-371, 2022
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Articles 1–20