Genevieve Foley
Cited by
Cited by
Intelligent wheelchair control strategies for older adults with cognitive impairment: User attitudes, needs, and preferences
P Viswanathan, EP Zambalde, G Foley, JL Graham, RH Wang, B Adhikari, ...
Autonomous Robots 41, 539-554, 2017
The rib vertebra angle difference and its measurement in 3D for the evaluation of early onset scoliosis
G Foley, CE Aubin, H Labelle, J Sanders, J d'Astous, C Johnston, ...
Research into Spinal Deformities 8, 238-241, 2012
Physical significance of the rib vertebra angle difference and its 3-dimensional counterpart in early-onset scoliosis
G Foley, CE Aubin, S Parent, H Labelle, J d'Astous, C Johnston, ...
Spine deformity 1 (4), 259-265, 2013
C-ECT: Online Surgical Phase Recognition with Cross-Enhancement Causal Transformer
B Zhang, A Fung, M Torabi, J Barker, G Foley, R Abukhalil, ML Gaddis, ...
2023 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 1-5, 2023
Analyzing drivers' affect for the design of intelligent wheelchairs for older adults with cognitive impairment
G Foley, P Viswanathan, EP Zambalde, A Mihailidis
Proceedings of the 10th EAI international conference on pervasive computing …, 2016
On the use of modular software and hardware for designing wheelchair robots
M Gerdzhev, J Pineau, IM Mitchell, P Viswanathan, G Foley
2016 AAAI Spring Symposium Series, 2016
Smart wheelchairs for assessment and mobility
P Viswanathan, RC Simpson, G Foley, A Sutcliffe, J Bell
Robotic Assistive Technologies, 145-178, 2017
A Powered Wheelchair Parking Assistance Reasoning Co-pilot (PARC) System for Cognitively Impaired Older Adults
G Foley
University of Toronto (Canada), 2017
Blood presence detection
AR Shankar, R Abhukhalil, G Foley, V Goel, J Barker
US Patent App. 18/196,961, 2024
Operating room objects and workflow tracking using depth cameras
Y Xu, B Fuerst, G Foley
US Patent App. 17/741,812, 2023
Evaluation of Image Stabilization Methods in Robotic Beating Heart Surgery
G Kurz¹, G Foley, P Hegedüs, G Szabó, UD Hanebeck¹
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Articles 1–11