Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet
Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet
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Grid'5000: a large scale and highly reconfigurable experimental grid testbed
R Bolze, F Cappello, E Caron, M Daydé, F Desprez, E Jeannot, Y Jégou, ...
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 20 (4 …, 2006
Grid'5000: A large scale and highly reconfigurable grid experimental testbed
F Cappello, E Caron, M Dayde, F Desprez, Y Jégou, P Primet, E Jeannot, ...
The 6th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Grid Computing, 2005., 8 pp., 2005
Grid'5000: a large scale, reconfigurable, controlable and monitorable Grid platform
F Cappello, F Desprez, M Dayde, E Jeannot, Y Jegou, S Lanteri, N Melab, ...
6th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Grid Computing-GRID 2005, 2005
Analysis and evaluation of a XEN based virtual router
F Anhalt, P Primet
INRIA, 2008
User interface for visualizing resource performance and managing resources in cloud or distributed systems
P Vicat-blanc
US Patent App. 14/152,885, 2014
VXDL: Virtual resources and interconnection networks description language
GP Koslovski, PVB Primet, AS Charao
Networks for Grid Applications: Second International Conference, GridNets …, 2009
Methods and systems for detecting, locating and remediating a congested resource or flow in a virtual infrastructure
S Soudan, R Guillier, M Le Borgne, P Vicat-blanc
US Patent App. 14/163,312, 2014
Investigating self-similarity and heavy-tailed distributions on a large-scale experimental facility
P Loiseau, P Gonçalves, G Dewaele, P Borgnat, P Abry, PVB Primet
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 18 (4), 1261-1274, 2010
Reliability support in virtual infrastructures
G Koslovski, WL Yeow, C Westphal, TT Huu, J Montagnat, P Vicat-Blanc
2010 IEEE Second International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and …, 2010
Scheduling deadline-constrained bulk data transfers to minimize network congestion
BB Chen, PVB Primet
Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid …, 2007
Methods and systems for estimating and analyzing flow activity and path performance data in cloud or distributed systems
P Vicat-blanc, R Guillier, S Soudan
US Patent 9,762,471, 2017
Joint elastic cloud and virtual network framework for application performance-cost optimization
T Truong Huu, G Koslovski, F Anhalt, J Montagnat, P Vicat-Blanc Primet
Journal of Grid Computing 9, 27-47, 2011
Fault tolerance for highly available internet services: concepts, approaches, and issues
N Ayari, D Barbaron, L Lefevre, P Primet
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 10 (2), 34-46, 2008
Networking issues for grid infrastructure
V Sander, W Allcock, P CongDuc, I Monga, P Padala, M Tana, ...
Group, 2004
GEYSERS: A novel architecture for virtualization and co-provisioning of dynamic optical networks and IT services
E Escalona, S Peng, R Nejabati, D Simeonidou, JA Garcia-Espin, J Ferrer, ...
2011 Future Network & Mobile Summit, 1-8, 2011
Frameworks and patterns for synchronous groupware: AMF-C approach
F Tarpin-Bernard, BT David, P Primet
Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction: IFIP TC2/TC13 WG2. 7/WG13. 4 …, 1999
Methods and system for automated or user-assisted grouping and management of groups in cloud infrastructure and network
A Agarwal, M Le Borgne, P Vicat-blanc
US Patent 9,800,470, 2017
HIPCAL: State of the Art of OS and Network virtualization solutions for Grids
P Primet, JPG Vicat-Blanc, O Mornard, DM Divakaran, P Bozonnet, M Jan, ...
Sep 14, 38, 2007
MapCenter: an open grid status visualization tool
F Bonnassieux, R Harakaly, P Primet
proceedings of ISCA 15th International Conference on parallel and …, 2002
Bringing optical networks to the cloud: An architecture for a sustainable future Internet
P Vicat-Blanc, S Figuerola, X Chen, G Landi, E Escalona, C Develder, ...
The Future Internet: Future Internet Assembly 2011: Achievements and …, 2011
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Articles 1–20