Bob Heyman
Bob Heyman
Professor of Health Care Risk Management
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Sampling in epidemiological research: issues, hazards and pitfalls
S Tyrer, B Heyman
BJPsych bulletin 40 (2), 57-60, 2016
Complications of intestinal stomas
P Nastro, CH Knowles, A McGrath, B Heyman, TRC Porrett, PJ Lunniss
Journal of British Surgery 97 (12), 1885-1889, 2010
What's in a name? The implications of diagnosis for people with learning difficulties and their family carers
M Gillman, B Heyman, J Swain
Disability & society 15 (3), 389-409, 2000
Hearing the voices of children with chronic illness
SA Sartain, CL Clarke, R Heyman
Journal of advanced nursing 32 (4), 913-921, 2000
Women as moral pioneers? Experiences of first trimester antenatal screening
C Williams, J Sandall, G Lewando-Hundt, B Heyman, K Spencer, ...
Social science & medicine 61 (9), 1983-1992, 2005
Keeping warm and staying well: findings from the qualitative arm of the Warm Homes Project
BE Harrington, B Heyman, N Merleau‐Ponty, H Stockton, N Ritchie, ...
Health & social care in the community 13 (3), 259-267, 2005
Public research, private concerns: Ethical issues in the use of open-ended interviews with people who have learning difficulties
J Swain, B Heyman, M Gillman
Taylor & Francis Group 13 (1), 21-36, 1998
Life history or ‘case’history: the objectification of people with learning difficulties through the tyranny of professional discourses
M Gillman, J Swain, B Heyman
Disability & Society 12 (5), 675-694, 1997
Risk, safety and clinical practice: health care through the lens of risk
B Heyman
Oxford University Press, USA, 2010
Understanding nurses' communication with patients in accident & emergency departments using a symbolic interactionist perspective
G Byrne, R Heyman
Journal of advanced nursing 26 (1), 93-100, 1997
In the shadow of risk.: How men cope with a partner's gynaecological cancer
K Maughan, B Heyman, M Matthews
International journal of nursing studies 39 (1), 27-34, 2002
How women receiving adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer cope with their treatment: a risk management perspective
L Cowley, B Heyman, M Stanton, SJ Milner
Journal of advanced nursing 31 (2), 314-321, 2000
Patients’ views on follow up of colorectal cancer: implications for risk communication and decision making
S Papagrigoriadis, B Heyman
Postgraduate medical journal 79 (933), 403-407, 2003
On being at higher risk: a qualitative study of prenatal screening for chromosomal anomalies
B Heyman, G Hundt, J Sandall, K Spencer, C Williams, R Grellier, L Pitson
Social science & medicine 62 (10), 2360-2372, 2006
Making sense in primary care: Levelling the playing field for people with communication difficulties
J Law, K Bunning, S Byng, S Farrelly, B Heyman
Disability & Society 20 (2), 169-184, 2005
Opening communicative space: A Habermasian understanding of a user-led participatory research project
P Godin, J Davies, B Heyman, L Reynolds, A Simpson, M Floyd
The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 18 (4), 452-469, 2007
Dental needs of the elderly in residential care in Newcastle‐upon‐Tyne and the role of formal carers
DL Merelie, B Heyman
Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 20 (2), 106-111, 1992
Patient anxiety in the accident and emergency department.
G Byrne, R Heyman
Journal of Clinical Nursing (Wiley-Blackwell) 6 (4), 1997
Probabilities and health risks: A qualitative approach
B Heyman, M Henriksen, K Maughan
Social science & medicine 47 (9), 1295-1306, 1998
‘The sooner you can change their life course the better’: the time-framing of risks in relationship to being a young carer
A Heyman, B Heyman
Health, risk & society 15 (6-7), 561-579, 2013
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Articles 1–20