Emma E. Buchtel
Emma E. Buchtel
Associate Professor, The Education University of Hong Kong
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Personality: The universal and the culturally specific
SJ Heine, EE Buchtel
Annual review of psychology 60 (1), 369-394, 2009
What do cross-national comparisons of personality traits tell us? The case of conscientiousness
SJ Heine, EE Buchtel, A Norenzayan
Psychological Science 19 (4), 309-313, 2008
Global evidence of extreme intuitive moral prejudice against atheists
WM Gervais, D Xygalatas, RT McKay, M van Elk, EE Buchtel, M Aveyard, ...
Nature Human Behaviour 1 (8), s41562-017-0151, 2017
Immorality East and West: Are immoral behaviors especially harmful, or especially uncivilized?
EE Buchtel, Y Guan, Q Peng, Y Su, B Sang, SX Chen, MH Bond
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 41 (10), 1382-1394, 2015
Thinking across cultures: Implications for dual processes
EE Buchtel, A Norenzayan
J. St. BT Evans & K. Frankish, 217-38, 2009
Conceptualizing Psychological Processes in Response to Globalization: Components, Antecedents, and Consequences of Global Orientations.
SX Chen, BCP Lam, BPH Hui, JCK Ng, WWS Mak, Y Guan, EE Buchtel, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 110 (2), 302-331, 2016
Which should you use, intuition or logic? Cultural differences in injunctive norms about reasoning
EE Buchtel, A Norenzayan
Asian Journal of Social Psychology 11 (4), 264-273, 2008
Behavioral manifestations of modesty
SX Chen, MH Bond, B Chan, D Tang, EE Buchtel
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 40 (4), 603-626, 2009
Nothing at stake in knowledge
D Rose, E Machery, S Stich, M Alai, A Angelucci, R Berninas, E Buchtel, ...
Noűs 53 (1), 224-247, 2019
Analytic atheism: A cross-culturally weak and fickle phenomenon?
WM Gervais, M van Elk, D Xygalatas, RT McKay, M Aveyard, EE Buchtel, ...
Judgment and Decision Making 13 (3), 268, 2018
Situational differences in dialectical emotions: Boundary conditions in a cultural comparison of North Americans and East Asians
J Leu, B Mesquita, PC Ellsworth, Z ZhiYong, Y Huijuan, E Buchtel, ...
Cognition and Emotion 24 (3), 419-435, 2010
Cultural sensitivity or cultural stereotyping? Positive and negative effects of a cultural psychology class
EE Buchtel
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 39, 40-52, 2014
Career construction in social exchange: a dual-path model linking career adaptability to turnover intention
F Zhu, Z Cai, EE Buchtel, Y Guan
Journal of Vocational Behavior 112, 282-293, 2019
A sense of obligation: Cultural differences in the experience of obligation
EE Buchtel, LCY Ng, A Norenzayan, SJ Heine, JC Biesanz, SX Chen, ...
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 44 (11), 1545-1566, 2018
Do people’s world views matter? The why and how.
SX Chen, BCP Lam, WCH Wu, JCK Ng, EE Buchtel, Y Guan, H Deng
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 110 (5), 743-765, 2016
The gettier intuition from South America to Asia
E Machery, S Stich, D Rose, M Alai, A Angelucci, R Berniūnas, EE Buchtel, ...
Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research 34, 517-541, 2017
For whom does determinism undermine moral responsibility? Surveying the conditions for free will across cultures
IR Hannikainen, E Machery, D Rose, S Stich, CY Olivola, P Sousa, ...
Frontiers in psychology 10, 2428, 2019
Is personality variability associated with adjustment?
C Magee, EE Buchtel, LJ Human, DR Murray, JC Biesanz
Journal of Research in Personality 72, 22-43, 2018
The conscientiousness paradox: Cultural mindset shapes competence perception
SX Chen, BCP Lam, EE Buchtel, MH Bond
European Journal of Personality 28 (5), 425-436, 2014
De Pulchritudine non est Disputandum? A cross‐cultural investigation of the alleged intersubjective validity of aesthetic judgment
F Cova, CY Olivola, E Machery, S Stich, D Rose, M Alai, A Angelucci, ...
Mind & Language 34 (3), 317-338, 2019
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Articles 1–20