Adam Reed
Adam Reed
Professor of Finance, UNC
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Cited by
How are shorts informed?: Short sellers, news, and information processing
JE Engelberg, AV Reed, MC Ringgenberg
Journal of Financial Economics 105 (2), 260-278, 2012
Stocks are special too: An analysis of the equity lending market
CC Geczy, DK Musto, AV Reed
Journal of Financial Economics 66 (2-3), 241-269, 2002
Leaning for the tape: Evidence of gaming behavior in equity mutual funds
MM Carhart, R Kaniel, DK Musto, AV Reed
The Journal of Finance 57 (2), 661-693, 2002
Short‐selling risk
JE Engelberg, AV Reed, MC Ringgenberg
The Journal of Finance 73 (2), 755-786, 2018
The new game in town: Competitive effects of IPOs
HC Hsu, AV Reed, J Rocholl
The Journal of Finance 65 (2), 495-528, 2010
Costly short-selling and stock price adjustment to earnings announcements
AV Reed
University of Pennsylvania, 2002
A multiple lender approach to understanding supply and search in the equity lending market
AC Kolasinski, AV Reed, MC Ringgenberg
The Journal of Finance 68 (2), 559-595, 2013
Failure is an option: Impediments to short selling and options prices
RB Evans, CC Geczy, DK Musto, AV Reed
The Review of Financial Studies 22 (5), 1955-1980, 2009
Vote trading and information aggregation
SEK Christoffersen, CC Geczy, DK Musto, AV Reed
The Journal of Finance 62 (6), 2897-2929, 2007
Can short restrictions actually increase informed short selling?
AC Kolasinski, A Reed, JR Thornock
Financial Management 42 (1), 155-181, 2013
Connecting two markets: An equilibrium framework for shorts, longs, and stock loans
J Blocher, AV Reed, ED Van Wesep
Journal of Financial Economics 108 (2), 302-322, 2013
Short selling
AV Reed
Annu. Rev. Financ. Econ. 5 (1), 245-258, 2013
Revealing shorts an examination of large short position disclosures
CM Jones, AV Reed, W Waller
The Review of Financial Studies 29 (12), 3278-3320, 2016
Crossborder dividend taxation and the preferences of taxable and nontaxable investors: Evidence from Canada
SEK Christoffersen, CC Geczy, DK Musto, AV Reed
Journal of Financial Economics 78 (1), 121-144, 2005
Prohibitions versus constraints: The 2008 short sales regulations
AC Kolasinksi, AV Reed, JR Thornock
October, unpublished manuscript, 2009
Shorting in broad daylight: Short sales and venue choice
AV Reed, M Samadi, JS Sokobin
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 55 (7), 2246-2269, 2020
Connecting supply, short-sellers and stock returns: Research challenges
AV Reed
Journal of Accounting and Economics 60 (2-3), 97-103, 2015
Bears and numbers: Investigating how short sellers exploit and affect earnings-based pricing anomalies
B Cao, D Dhaliwal, AC Kolasinski, AV Reed
Available at SSRN, 2007
Anomaly time
B Bowles, AV Reed, MC Ringgenberg, J Thornock
Journal of Finance forthcoming, 2023
When brokerages restrict retail investors, does the game stop?
CM Jones, AV Reed, W Waller
Columbia Business School Research Paper Forthcoming, 2021
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Articles 1–20