Shawn Cole
Shawn Cole
Harvard Business School and NBER
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Cited by
Remedying education: Evidence from two randomized experiments in India
A Banerjee, S Cole, E Duflo, L Linden
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2007
Prices Or Knowledge?: What Drives Demand for Financial Services in Emerging Markets?
SA Cole, TA Sampson, BH Zia, HB School
Journal of Finance, 2011
Barriers to household risk management: evidence from India
S Cole, X Giné, J Tobacman, R Townsend, P Topalova, J Vickery
American Economic Journals: Applied Economics 5 (1), 104-135, 2013
High School and Financial Outcomes: The Impact of Mandated Personal Finance and Mathematics Courses
SA Cole, A Paulson, GK Shastry
Harvard Business School, 2013
Fixing market failures or fixing elections? Agricultural credit in India
S Cole
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 1 (1), 219-250, 2009
‘Mobile’izing agricultural advice technology adoption diffusion and sustainability
SA Cole, AN Fernando
The Economic Journal 131 (633), 192-219, 2021
How does risk management influence production decisions? Evidence from a field experiment
S Cole, X Giné, J Vickery
The Review of Financial Studies 30 (6), 1935-1970, 2017
Do voters demand responsive governments? Evidence from Indian disaster relief
S Cole, A Healy, E Werker
Journal of Development Economics, 2012
Unpacking the causal chain of financial literacy
F Carpena, SA Cole, J Shapiro, B Zia
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2011
Understanding the advice of commissions-motivated agents: Evidence from the Indian life insurance market
S Anagol, S Cole, S Sarkar
Review of Economics and Statistics 99 (1), 1-15, 2017
Marketing complex financial products in emerging markets: Evidence from rainfall insurance in India
S Gaurav, S Cole, J Tobacman
Journal of marketing research 48 (SPL), S150-S162, 2011
The ABCs of financial education: Experimental evidence on attitudes, behavior, and cognitive biases
F Carpena, S Cole, J Shapiro, B Zia
Management Science 65 (1), 346-369, 2019
Incentivizing Calculated Risk-Taking: Evidence from an Experiment with Commercial Bank Loan Officeres
S Cole, M Kanz, L Klapper
Journal of Finance, 0
High school curriculum and financial outcomes: The impact of mandated personal finance and mathematics courses
S Cole, A Paulson, GK Shastry
Journal of Human Resources 51 (3), 656-698, 2016
Dynamics of demand for index insurance: Evidence from a long-run field experiment
S Cole, D Stein, J Tobacman
American Economic Review 104 (5), 284-290, 2014
Financial Development, Bank Ownership, and Growth: Or, Does Quantity Imply Quality?
S Cole
The Review of Economics and Statistics 91 (1), 33-51, 2009
Banking reform in India
A Banerjee, S Cole, E Duflo
India policy forum 1 (1), 277-332, 2004
Agricultural insurance and economic development
SA Cole, W Xiong
Annual review of Economics 9 (1), 235-262, 2017
Assessing the importance of financial literacy
S Cole, N Fernando
ADB Finance for the Poor 9 (2), 1-6, 2008
The effectiveness of index-based micro-insurance in helping smallholders manage weather-related risks
S Cole, G Bastian, S Vyas, C Wendel, D Stein
London: EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education …, 2012
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