Richard Sutcliffe
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Overview of the CLEF 2005 multilingual question answering track
A Vallin, B Magnini, D Giampiccolo, L Aunimo, C Ayache, P Osenova, ...
Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum for European Languages, 307-331, 2005
Overview of the CLEF 2004 multilingual question answering track
B Magnini, A Vallin, C Ayache, G Erbach, A Penas, M De Rijke, P Rocha, ...
Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum for European Languages, 371-391, 2004
Overview of the CLEF 2006 multilingual question answering track
B Magnini, D Giampiccolo, P Forner, C Ayache, V Jijkoun, P Osenova, ...
Evaluation of Multilingual and Multi-modal Information Retrieval: 7th …, 2007
Overview of ResPubliQA 2010: Question Answering Evaluation over European Legislation
A Peñas, P Forner, Á Rodrigo, R Sutcliffe, C Forăscu, C Mota
Conference on Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access Evaluation …, 2010
Drug-Drug Interaction Extraction via Recurrent Hybrid Convolutional Neural Networks with an Improved Focal Loss
X Sun, K Dong, M Long, R Sutcliffe, F He, Chen, J Feng
Entropy 21 (1), 2019
Overview of QA4MRE at CLEF 2011: Question answering for machine reading evaluation.
A Peñas, EH Hovy, P Forner, Á Rodrigo, RFE Sutcliffe, C Forascu, ...
CLEF (notebook papers/labs/workshop), 1-20, 2011
Overview of the CLEF 2007 multilingual question answering track
D Giampiccolo, P Forner, J Herrera, A Peñas, C Ayache, C Forascu, ...
Advances in Multilingual and Multimodal Information Retrieval: 8th Workshop …, 2008
Overview of the clef 2008 multilingual question answering track
P Forner, A Peñas, E Agirre, I Alegria, C Forăscu, N Moreau, P Osenova, ...
Evaluating Systems for Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access: 9th …, 2009
Textual data augmentation for efficient active learning on tiny datasets
H Quteineh, S Samothrakis, R Sutcliffe
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2020
ScalingNet: Extracting features from raw EEG data for emotion recognition
J Hu, C Wang, Q Jia, Q Bu, R Sutcliffe, J Feng
Neurocomputing 463, 177-184, 2021
QA4MRE 2011-2013: Overview of question answering for machine reading evaluation
A Peñas, E Hovy, P Forner, A Rodrigo, R Sutcliffe, R Morante
Information Access Evaluation. Multilinguality, Multimodality, and …, 2013
Sentiment interaction and multi-graph perception with graph convolutional networks for aspect-based sentiment analysis
Q Lu, X Sun, R Sutcliffe, Y Xing, H Zhang
Knowledge-Based Systems 256, 109840, 2022
Overview of QA4MRE Main Task at CLEF 2013.
RFE Sutcliffe, A Penas, EH Hovy, P Forner, A Rodrigo, C Forascu, ...
CLEF (Working Notes), 2013
Word representation learning based on bidirectional GRUs with drop loss for sentiment classification
X Sun, Y Gao, R Sutcliffe, SX Guo, X Wang, J Feng
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 51 (7), 4532-4542, 2019
Question answering at the cross-language evaluation forum 2003–2010
A Peñas, B Magnini, P Forner, R Sutcliffe, A Rodrigo, D Giampiccolo
Language resources and evaluation 46, 177-217, 2012
Industrial parsing of software manuals
RFE Sutcliffe, HD Koch, A McElligott
Rodopi, 1996
Representing meaning using microfeatures
RFE Sutcliffe
Connectionist approaches to natural language processing, 49-73, 1992
Distributed representations in a text based information retrieval system: a new way of using the vector space model
RFE Sutcliffe
Proceedings of the 14th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 1991
Evaluating multilingual question answering systems at CLEF
P Forner, D Giampiccolo, B Magnini, R Sutcliffe, A Peñas Padilla, ...
Improving Arabic Sentiment Analysis Using CNN‐Based Architectures and Text Preprocessing
M Mhamed, R Sutcliffe, X Sun, J Feng, E Almekhlafi, EA Retta
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2021 (1), 5538791, 2021
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Articles 1–20