Martin Neil
Martin Neil
Professor of Computer Science and Statistics, Queen Mary University of London and Founder, Agena Ltd
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Cited by
A critique of software defect prediction models
NE Fenton, M Neil
IEEE Transactions on software engineering 25 (5), 675-689, 1999
Risk assessment and decision analysis with Bayesian networks
N Fenton, M Neil
Crc Press, 2018
Software metrics: roadmap
NE Fenton, M Neil
Proceedings of the Conference on the Future of Software Engineering, 357-370, 2000
Building large-scale Bayesian networks
M Neil, N Fenton, L Nielson
The Knowledge Engineering Review 15 (3), 257-284, 2000
Software metrics: successes, failures and new directions
NE Fenton, M Neil
Journal of Systems and Software 47 (2-3), 149-157, 1999
Using ranked nodes to model qualitative judgments in Bayesian networks
NE Fenton, M Neil, JG Caballero
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 19 (10), 1420-1432, 2007
Predicting software defects in varying development lifecycles using Bayesian nets
N Fenton, M Neil, W Marsh, P Hearty, D Marquez, P Krause, R Mishra
Information and Software Technology 49 (1), 32-43, 2007
Software measurement: Uncertainty and causal modeling
N Fenton, P Krause, M Neil
IEEE software 19 (4), 116-122, 2002
Predicting football results using Bayesian nets and other machine learning techniques
A Joseph, NE Fenton, M Neil
Knowledge-Based Systems 19 (7), 544-553, 2006
Using Bayesian networks to model expected and unexpected operational losses
M Neil, N Fenton, M Tailor
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 25 (4), 963-972, 2005
A general structure for legal arguments about evidence using Bayesian networks
N Fenton, M Neil, DA Lagnado
Cognitive science 37 (1), 61-102, 2013
pi-football: A Bayesian network model for forecasting Association Football match outcomes
AC Constantinou, NE Fenton, M Neil
Knowledge-Based Systems 36, 322-339, 2012
Improved reliability modeling using Bayesian networks and dynamic discretization
D Marquez, M Neil, N Fenton
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 95 (4), 412-425, 2010
Inference in hybrid Bayesian networks using dynamic discretization
M Neil, M Tailor, D Marquez
Statistics and Computing 17, 219-233, 2007
Making resource decisions for software projects
N Fenton, W Marsh, M Neil, P Cates, S Forey, M Tailor
Proceedings. 26th International Conference on Software Engineering, 397-406, 2004
Making decisions: using Bayesian nets and MCDA
N Fenton, M Neil
Knowledge-Based Systems 14 (7), 307-325, 2001
On the effectiveness of early life cycle defect prediction with Bayesian Nets
N Fenton, M Neil, W Marsh, P Hearty, Ł Radliński, P Krause
Empirical Software Engineering 13, 499-537, 2008
A Bayesian network framework for project cost, benefit and risk analysis with an agricultural development case study
B Yet, A Constantinou, N Fenton, M Neil, E Luedeling, K Shepherd
Expert Systems with Applications 60, 141-155, 2016
Using Bayesian belief networks to predict the reliability of military vehicles
M Neil, N Fenton, S Forey, R Harris
Computing & Control Engineering Journal 12 (1), 11-20, 2001
Bayesian network approach to multinomial parameter learning using data and expert judgments
Y Zhou, N Fenton, M Neil
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 55 (5), 1252-1268, 2014
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Articles 1–20